Prugne per l'osteoporosi

Verdure e frutta come le prugne secche possono aiutare a costruire ossa più forti.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Ecco il video della mandorla di cui ho parlato: Mandorle per l'osteoporosi (http://

Cos'era che il latte non aiutava?
• Il latte fa bene alle ossa? (

Altri video sulla salute delle ossa includono: <br/> • Diete alcaline, proteine ​​animali e perdita di calcio (
• Fitati per la prevenzione dell'osteoporosi (
• Gli integratori di calcio sono sicuri? (
• Gli integratori di calcio sono efficaci? (

Cos'altro possono fare le prugne secche? Vedi:
• Prugne vs. Metamucil vs. Dieta Vegana ( -metamucil-vs-vegan-diet/)

Gli anelli di mela hanno i loro vantaggi, però. Vedi Mele essiccate contro colesterolo (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: bykst via Pixabay.
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38 Risposte a “Prugne per l'osteoporosi”

  1. Love your videos Dr. Greger! Thank you so very much for sharing. My husband and I watch them daily and also share them with friends! You are amazing 🙂

  2. I really enjoy your videos and articles daily! Even after learning bone mechanisms in my undergraduate a few times your explanation of osteoclasts using ROS to do their function really helps put the picture together better in my head! Thanks for educating even us actively learning the science at a research level 🙂

  3. What's with the voice?? Speeding up and slowing down randomly during sentences and even during words, pretty annoying.

  4. Thank you Dr. Greger – I've included this video in my Bone Health playlist. Not many people look at antioxidant status in relation to bone health, but with research on prunes, melatonin, etc., the science is coming in.

  5. just having this convo. with my dad…who thinks that drinking half a gallon a day of cows milk will help with his bone issues…iv try…SERIOUSLY tried explaining thats might the cause of his bone issues to beging with…that there are mountains of evidence form around the world that can back what am saying…but ignorance keeps wining..

  6. S.O.S. * I'm a huge fan of Dr. Gerger and and I'm really hoping Dr. Greger or one of his staff can help me out on an important question!! I'm an endurance multisport athlete and I was training for some pretty competitive races doing quite a lot of mileage this year when I developed hip pain diagnosed 9 weeks later (I'm a walk it off, don't go to the doctors kind of a person haha) as a stress fracture in my hip. I've been eating a high carb low fat whole food vegan diet for 2 years and vegetarian for 8 before that. People around me want to blame my diet and obviously I know better but here is my first question. First what is the best response to people saying it is  because of my diet? Second and most important to me right now is what should I be focusing on or adding in in my diet to help heal the bone? The first 9 weeks there was no healing (of course I was still riding on it everyday and walking etc. Basically everything but running because it was too painful) Please help! It is very important to me to avoid surgery to fix this issue and I want to be back to training as soon as possible! Thank you for your time and all the work that you do!

  7. Maybe I'm going to sound really stupid, but does eating prunes after eating something with dairyproducts in it stabilise the harmful effects of dairy when it comes to bone density? Or are there any compounds found in dairy which still effectively harm bone quality even with prunes?

    Ps. I'm 100% wholefoods plant based, but sure want to give a meaningful advice to people who are consuming dairy.

  8. Calcium is not a problem in a vegan diet, several plant foods provide calcium, but vitamin K2 an essential vitamin is absent in a plant based diet. Vitamin K2 is necessary for calcium metabolism.

  9. Many years ago I saw a list of ORAC values in a book by Jean Carper, prunes were much higher than most fruits and vegetables. So for the last few years I've been having about four prunes every day, one or two more if they're small or I'm feeling self indulgent. They are high calorie so I don't have too many. Somewhat costly too. But I have lots of varied produce every day.

  10. I'm not a weightlifter but I've been reading lately and it appears that weight lifting helps increase our longevity especially women. People think it's flexibility but it's weight lifting that's more important.
    I'm not referring to Arnold Schwarzenegger type.

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