Qual è una colazione migliore: cereali o farina d'avena?

Il notevole impatto della struttura degli alimenti al di là del contenuto o della composizione nutrizionale.

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Se ti sei perso il mio precedente video sui cereali, dai un'occhiata a The Worst Food for Tooth Decay (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-worst-food-for-tooth-decay). È pazzesco come lo stesso prodotto possa avere effetti così diversi sul corpo in base alla sua lavorazione. Oltre a concentrarsi solo sui cereali integrali piuttosto che raffinati, il più intero di tutti sono i cereali intatti. L'avena istantanea è migliore dell'avena in polvere, i fiocchi d'avena sono migliori dell'istantanea, l'avena tagliata in acciaio è meglio di quella laminata e le semole di avena intatte sono le migliori!<br/>
Dai un'occhiata a questo ottimo video di cucina delle mie Morning Grain Bowls (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/recipe-morning-grain-bowls/) dal libro di cucina Come non morire (http://nutritionfacts.org/cookbook).

Maggiori informazioni sui benefici dei cereali integrali possono essere trovati in:
• Come prevenire l'ipertensione con la dieta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent-high-blood-pressure-with-diet/)
• La farina d'avena può invertire le malattie cardiache? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-oatmeal-reverse-heart-disease/)
• Come modificare il tuo enterotipo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-change-your-enterotype/)
• La regola Five to One Fiber (https://nutritionfacts.org/ video/regola-fibra-cinque-a-uno/)
• Amido resistente e cancro al colon (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/resistant-starch-colon-cancer/)
• Ottenere l'amido da assumere the Path of Most Resistance (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/getting-starch-to-take-the-path-of-most -resistenza/)
• Come non morire di pressione alta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-not-to-die-from-high-blood-pressure)
• Microbioma intestinale – Strike It Rich con cereali integrali (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/gut-microbiome-strike-it-rich-with- integrali/)
• I migliori alimenti per ridurre il rischio di ictus (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-foods-to-reduce -ictus-risk/)
• Microbioma: noi siamo ciò che mangiano (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/microbiome-we-are-what-they-eat/)
• Pro e Contro di una dieta macrobiotica (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/pros-and-cons-of-a- dieta-macrobiotica/)
• Benefici di una dieta macrobiotica per il diabete (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-a-macrobiotic-diet-for-diabetes)

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100 Risposte a “Qual è una colazione migliore: cereali o farina d'avena?”

  1. Wondering what to eat for breakfast if cereal is off the table (so to speak ;)? I’ve got a couple smoothies on rotation: A Better Breakfast (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/a-better-breakfast) and Dr. Greger in the Kitchen: My New Favorite Beverage (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-greger-in-the-kitchen-my-new-favorite-beverage/).

    And of course, whole grains are a great replacement for cereal. Check out this great cooking video of the Morning Grain Bowls from the How Not to Die Cookbook: https://nutritionfacts.org/recipe/morning-grain-bowls/.

  2. So many tell you not to eat even steel cut oats, I can eat them around 7AM, and if I listen to my "stomach clock" I will not be remotely hungry for a solid 6-7 hours. Eating nothing in between. That's with being pre-diabetic as well.

  3. I don't know what's going on here, I got this as an ad, but all I could think of while reading the title was: "Are you eating cereal, or oatmeal?
    What the fuck's in the bowl, milk? Wheaties or Cheerios? "

  4. Another processed food I love I need to stop eating: Cheerios. I love them and no matter how much real fruit and walnuts I put in them… I would be better off with oats. What about 'granola' the lower sugar kind?

  5. processed foods make people hungrier sooner. so, they eat more throughout the day. wow! hey, guess what? that's the point!! welcome to the modern world!

  6. My take on this is the more a whole food, grain, is processed the easier and thusly faster the starch is converted and metabolized aaannndd a higher glycemic index aannndd less satiation. Okay. I am done with the processed box stuff and back on Irish steel cut oats.

  7. Dr. Ive tried going based diet, ill say its inexpensive, I went 2 weeks felt good inside. I stopped after 2 weeks my spouse didnt support me we would have trouble when meals at home came to play a role…with time and coooking two different meals was just difficult..What can you suggest for help or tips.

  8. I always have Scotts porage oats boiled in a pan like my mother gave me as a child with a spoonful of real unpasteurized honey and now Oatmilk but Mum always gave me cows milk so I am doing it correct Mum would be pleased as I am now 73, so thank you for your videos they are just what the doctor ordered Bob in the UK

  9. Wow, so you eat a food stuff that does not spike the blood sugar and woooooo you don't get hungry later based on a sugar crash and hormonal response?… Ya don't say.

    Yeah, Eggs, Baccon, Avocado breakfast. Final answer.

    BTW, You're welcome.

  10. Old fashioned oatmeal should do even better. That’s my breakfast of choice. Topped with what ever organic fruit the market has, chopped into about half inch bits. I rarely ever feel hungry but I do keep two or three different fruits in my kit bag just in case. Apple, pear, banana, etc. Quite often lunch is an afterthought and I eat it late in the day or for dinner. Often that is some lentil soup, with or without veggies mixed in.

  11. Pretty basic stuff here. Fermented and sprouted steel cut oats with frozen wild blueberries for me. Combine this with a well balanced diet with fermented veggies and high quality animal proteins, and many of our health problems go away.

  12. Great, eating oats with almond milk banana blueberries and LSA powder and cinnamon as I listen 😅🌱❤️

  13. K this food structure may be important and all but I really think we need to triage the american diet. This is WAY down the list of problems to tackle in the america diet

  14. I prefer the fast cooking kind of oatmeal for texture, but I might switch to regular rolled oats if the difference is that big.

  15. I remember as a kid in the 70's that I could eat 2 or 4 bowls of breakfast cereals and still BE HUNGRY in no time at all. I quit eating them because of that. Was easier to eat jam and toast and NOT be hungry 20 minutes later. Now I THRIVE on WFPB and eat rolled oats with lots of fresh fruit and spices, flax, chpped fresh greens, seeds, and maybe nuts too- every morning and am -never hungry- before lunchtime.

    Give your body GOOD nutrition and it becomes less "needy" between meals.

  16. I love oatmeal; I could eat it everyday w/out a care. BUT, even steel cut Irish Oatmeal cooked for 20-25 minutes sends my sugar thru the roof, and that's with nothing added but a dash of salt. And, it doesn't do the tics in my lower digestive tract any favor. So, as good as it sounds, we're all different and must pick and choose when it comes to healthy eating.

  17. I've been eating Teff (cooked with a tblspn each of frozen peas and corn).
    I heard teff has a higher level of protein. Is that good? I like it a lot. I even add a quarter of an apple To eat with almond milk.

  18. What is the difference between oatmeal, oat flakes and stil cut oatmeal and oats, for all the tranlator said: Haferflocken !

  19. Oat groats taste better to me. Got in habit of setting out 1/4 C w some water to soak before I go to bed. Takes very little time to cook- 5 minutes ish- chewey w some banana or dates for sweet w flax and berrys.. tart cherries being my fav w some almond extract.

  20. Thank you for this information! Could you please tell when should one eat breakfast, lunch and dinner? Thank you beforehand!

  21. Many thanks, I've been looking for "should i eat oatmeal everyday" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Caymmartonal Stupefying Cure – (do a google search ) ? It is a smashing one of a kind product for discovering how to lose man boobs minus the hard work. Ive heard some super things about it and my mate got amazing success with it.

  22. Oats become ONE thing in the bloodstream: glucose. The fiber is usually indigestible. All carbohydrates are either a glucose /fructose load or are indigestible. We do not have the anatomy anymore as Homo Sapiens to convert enough fiber into fatty acids to fuel our needs. Greger is a quack.

  23. I just ate a bowl of cheerios and feel hungrier than I did before I ate it! Makes sense that I never feel full or even remotely satiated after eating these. No coincidence there.

  24. I add a quarter liter of water and about 8 tablespoons of oats into my bowl. Then one minute microwave. Stirring it. Now I add frozon berries and do another minute of microwaving. Question: does the heating have a negative effect on the health benefits? Should I rather eat it cold (or at room temperature)? Did Dr. Greger say anything about that?

  25. What if I decide to have cereal but in the form of normal oats with some plant-based milk, fresh fruit, nuts and seeds. Which effect does jt have on the body?

  26. I buy 'integrale' flaked farro. I think integrale means 'whole' in Italian. They resemble corn flakes but are thicker and absorb my plant milk very readily. What would be the effect of something like that on insulin response when compared to rolled oats and whole farro? Is it also necessarily a bad thing if I'm trying to gain muscle since it may make me more hungry and I have a hard time gaining weight?

  27. Either way you need ORGANIC. oatmeal and cereals are some of the most pesticide laden foods available at the store.

  28. I'm always eating oats (nowadays it's quick oats) cooked in water, topped with a date, a walnut or two, with a spoon each of chia seeds and flax seeds, and some blueberries, optional mango slices, and a chopped banana for breakfast. I have breakfast around 8 am and get hungry again around 1:30 pm or so.

  29. Groats are hard to come by here so I dig into my 25 pound bag of rolled oats whenever the groats run out and I'm searching for replacement. Still plenty good. Also, if I'm understanding this correctly… if you MUST eat processed wheat, eat pasta and bread. Good to know. I like pasta better. 😉

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