Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro?

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DESCRIZIONE: È stata confrontata la capacità di undici frutti comuni di sopprimere la crescita delle cellule tumorali in vitro. Qual è stato il più efficace: mele, banane, mirtilli rossi, pompelmi, uva, limoni, arance, pesche, pere, ananas o fragole?

Questo ricorda me del mio video #1 Anticancer Vegetable (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/1-anticancer-vegetable/) (insieme al suo “prequel”, Veggies vs. Cancer http://nutritionfacts.org/video/veggies-vs-cancer/). Altri video in cui classifico vari alimenti includono: <br/> · A Better Breakfast (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/a-better-breakfast/)
· Anti Up on the Veggies (
· Antiossidanti in un pizzico (
· Le migliori bacche (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-berries/)
· Miglior succo di frutta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-fruit-juice/)
· Meglio delle bacche di Goji (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ meglio delle bacche di goji/)
· Meglio del tè verde? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/better-than-green-tea/)
· Glicotossine (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/glycotoxins/)
· Tè verde vs. bianco (http://nutritionfacts.org/video /tè-verde-vs-bianco/)
· Il dolcificante più salutare (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-healthiest-sweetener/)
· Tasso di verdure per nitrato (
Come puoi consumare i mirtilli in modo appetibile? Dai un'occhiata alla mia ricetta per il succo rosa con schiuma verde ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/pink-juice-with -green-foam/).
Altri tesori di bacche nei miei prossimi tre video:
· Mirtilli contro il cancro (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cranberries-versus-cancer /)
· Fragole contro cancro esofageo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/strawberries-versus-esophageal-cancer)
· Lamponi neri contro cancro orale (

100 Risposte a “Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro?”

  1. Does the acidity play a role in this maybe? Still love them and know they are healthy so guess it doesn't really matter 🙂 eat all the healthy foods!!!

  2. The only thing missing from all these videos is the issue of the toxicity (perhaps cancer causing) of the herbicides and pesticides that are used on our fruit and vegetables.

  3. I wonder what this might have done to healthy cells, and whether the body would allow them to be exposed to so much lemon juice.

  4. I eat apples and cranberries everyday almost so I was hoping one of the made it one the list and ALAS cranberries win. 😀  I mostly take them for their iodine content but this is cool too.

  5. What about Dr. Andrew Saul who says to take tens of thousands of mgs of vitamin c and other nutrients in supplement form to heal disease? I don't know anymore…😕

  6. I like eating dried cranberries. mix them with raisins, pumpkin and sunflower seeds for a snack. tasty and oh soooooo good for me 🙂 Thanks Doc!

  7. soill depletion and chemicals make and 🍎 from the 50s 26x more nutritious than. today so eat 26 🍎 today to equal 1 from the 40s 50s.

  8. Omg I used to eat lemons every other day as a kid but I stopped at 20 years when I learned they could hurt my teeth and the salt I was adding wasn't helping either.

  9. Dammit. Now I have to start putting lemons 🍋 in my water 💦 and eating cranberries…. neither are my favorite but dammit, Doc Gregor said so. I will follow his gospel!

    And I'm being totally serious! 🤗

  10. My dad actually knows what he does. He eats lemons every day and sprinkles the juice over our food ( greek tradition). I'm gonna show him this when he comes home from work :).

  11. If you take R form Alpha Lipoic Acid with a Vegan, no processed food diet (oil is processed {a message to readers not Mr. Greger}), and get some exercise every day you will kick Type-2 diabetes ass. You will have a 50% drop in neuropathy in at least 15 days. The burning, tingling, muscle weakness symptoms will be reduced in 2 days. This statement is only backed by personal experience, and small studies.

  12. What about raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and kumquats? It's not easy to get cranberries where I live, but I have easy access to these other berries.

  13. Start the day off with lemon and water, then for breakfast either green smoothie pack with kale or organic oatmeal with bananas and strawberries. Unfortunately, I can't find fresh cranberries.

  14. Dr. Greger > I REALLY LOVE your channel. I've only truly been vegan for only 4 months and have been checking out other nutrition/vegan channels. Yours has more direct and concise communication (easily accessible info) to the topic and supporting data than I've seen on other channels. This is information I can really USE in my daily choices/action. Thanks so much!

  15. What is the effect of the acidity of the petri dish environment on the cancer cells? What is the effect of sugar content? Cancer cells in our body don't live in a petri dish…they never come in contact with acidity pH 2 nor 5% sugar solution…

  16. I don’t understand the significance of any material to kill cancer cells in a Petri dish… unless that material is injected into the cancer. In the real world, we eat the apple (or whatever) which is then digested, (broken down by powerful acids into its constituent parts), absorbed and by the time it gets to the cancer cell may or may not bear ANY resemblance to the original material.

    This is a fundamental question. What is the answer?

  17. Wow! I put fresh cranberries in my smoothies when I have them – guess that's a good choice! I'll try and do it more often now. I also drink cranberry juice everyday. Thank you Dr Greger!!

  18. In my opinion the apples still win, since it’s much more pragmatic to eat one apple a day than same amount of lemon or cranberry. Thanks a lot for the priceless information 😀

  19. I wish I liked the taste of cranberries but I'm going to give them another chance. Maybe if I mixed them with pineapple?

  20. Does anyone have a recommendation of how to eat cranberry without dying from the tartness? Also how much cranberry did they use in this study?

  21. Not true for Pineapple! it has proteolytic enzimes that strongly promote cancer apoptosis. Cancer cells has protein shield called fibrin and proteolytic enzimes break that shield so white blood cells can fight cancer cells.
    Search studies and you will see.
    Ginger, tumeric, parsley, kiwi, papaya all of these has proteolytic enzimes.
    Good luck.


    Hello everyone out there i am here to give a testimony of how i was cured from CANCER i never thought Dr.MUSTAFA can cure my cancer, until i was cured with his herbal medicine, I have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution on my disease, i have spend alot of money to buy CANCER drugs from hospital, and several medications but no avail, until one day i was just browsing on the Internet when i come across a great post of !ROLLAND who truly said that he was diagnose with CANCER and was healed by Dr MUSTAFA that very week through the help of his herbal medicine, so i really wonder why people called him the great healer, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing, so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him always get his or her healing in just three weeks after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all he ask to do and he prepare the herbal medicine and send it to me through DHL courier service only to see that after 3 weeks i was heal from cancer which he said i will be healed, so after 3 weeks all the strength that left me before rush back and i become very strong and healthy, this disease almost kill me, so i went to hospital for the final test and the doctor said i am negative, i was very happy about the healing of Dr.MUSTAFA from the ancient part of Africa, thank you sir for your great work. If you also need his help in any kind of diseases you can reach on Herbalremedies21@gmail.com or you can call or Whatsapp him on +2347010821863.

    he is also specialized on ALS, CANCER, HERPES.

  23. I've noticed that dr Greger heavily promotes the biggest USA export products as super healthy. Mb the usa national science is biased to there export products,.

  24. what about limes? they are so similar, have little to NO seeds & I even grind them up , in my food processor, as suggested by fellow plant-based genius, Markus of Markus & Cara, with the skins on to obtain the bioflavonoids in the pith & added fiber. I've NEVER had such AMAZING lime juice & I'm hoping, Dr. Greger, that you found a study, that includes AMAZING, FRESH, LIFE-GIVING LIMES, that I can add to my concentrated, unsweetened cranberry juice, each morning. PLEASE!!??

  25. I've recently fallen in love with cranberries… only that they are imported from Canada and I'm not sure how many ntioxidants are left until they get into my fridge (I live in Spain) and whether any are left if I cook them 5-7min. in a sauce.

  26. I live in Apple country, WA, USA. I noticed Dr Greger said a study was done with the variety Red Delicious. There are about 15 different varieties of apples grown here and the least appreciated (in the US; Asia loves them) is the Red Delicious because it does not hold up well over time and loses its crispness a lot earlier than many of the newer cultivars. I am guessing the Red Delicious was chosen by the researchers because of its very deep red skin, which I am assuming is retained in the tests. So when this video cites apples as being a good cancer killer, it may depend on how red that Apple is.

  27. Are dried cranberries any good? I can't just order frozen ones online and have to break home quarantine to go to the supermarket. Last time I hired an errand group to buy, they accidentally bought diced beets instead of frozen berries.

  28. The charts you show about apples effects in vitro are misleading because we’ll never be able to eat enough apples to get high concentrations like that 20-50 mg/ml, in our blood…so what REAL effect does 1 apple in morning and 1 apple at night do for a human!?

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