Quali sono i migliori: semi di chia o semi di lino?

Che effetto hanno i semi di chia su perdita di peso, zucchero nel sangue, colesterolo, pressione sanguigna e infiammazione?

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Chi macina i semi di chia? È stato uno shock!

Cos'era quella storia di semi di lino e cancro? Vedi:
Semi di lino e prevenzione del cancro al seno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-breast-cancer-prevention)
Semi di lino e sopravvivenza al cancro al seno: prove cliniche (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseeds-breast-cancer- survival-clinical-evidence/)
I semi di lino possono aiutare a prevenire il cancro al seno? (
Semi di lino vs cancro alla prostata (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseed-vs-prostate-cancer/)

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100 Risposte a “Quali sono i migliori: semi di chia o semi di lino?”

  1. Omg ,i was putting both chia and flack seeds in my protein shakes.
    The chia seeds make it smell and taste really bad ,but i did it anyway becouse i taught it was super healthy.chia seeds are even more expencive !!!

  2. In other words , the companies are pouring misinformation to make us assume the wrong decision.
    Thanks doc , I won't lie , I already knew this one , I mean, for god sakes , they even label my chia seed as "theres no studies that confirm to cured diseases"
    They put something like that , I always keep an eye on it but with you on the watch we feel safe

  3. thanks for the video – especially how control data affected the comparison with experimental groups data. It would be interesting to see if the increase in ALA was replicated. Finally, not sure if taking Flax seeds is good – going to research it.

  4. I heard seeds need to be smashed or breaker to get all the benefits. So when you only hydrated then with water you may not get all the nutrients? Thanks 🤗

  5. However, chia does have way more iron and calcium than flaxseeds, right?
    I have a question, should I soak flaxseeds for 8/12 hours before consuming them, like other seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame etc) or can I just ground them and consume them without soaking? Thanks

  6. Chia seeds will do one thing — they will thin the blood, and taken one day before a lengthy run, they can knock a half-second off a mile runtime. I know firsthand. And they will indeed lower blood pressure.

  7. Very factual! This video could be used for when you have to write a nonfiction essay about this topic or for a report about this topic. It is very useful.

  8. Would you do a video on the Cyanide and phytoestrogen concerns of flax seed? Sweden recommends not to consume. Barmy

  9. flax seeds must be ground if you intend to get nutrients from them. I was under the impression that chia does not need to be ground, hence use chia if no grinder is available to you.

  10. I going to keep eating chia as well, because it has more mineral content like calcium and zinc.
    I prefer a mix of oats, chia, hemp, flax, sunflower and pumpkin seeds for breakfast =]

  11. @NutritionFacts.org Can you do a video on flax seeds reducing testosterone? What is the effect of Lignans and how can I get Omega 3's without eating Lignans if they are indeed as bad for testosterone as some sources are indicating?

  12. I usually soak the chia seeds till they become gel like. Do the properties change, or am I wasting money by not buying flax seeds?
    Also, are some flax seeds better than others to warrant higher prices?
    Thank you for your work!

  13. We mix chia seeds, hemp seeds, golden and brown flaxseeds and nutritional yeast together and add to our meals. But now I guess well cut out the chia.

  14. Chia seeds caused me an allergic reaction they’re delicious but I’m gonna try flaxseed they’re higher in omega 3 anyways

  15. You do the best you can. I’ve been eating three tablespoons a day of chia seeds for ten years. But I’m always questioning my diet if it isn’t going the way I want. So,now because of inflammation,I’m going to cut chia seeds. I eat hemp and flaxseeds daily ,and occasionally grate or grind an avocado pit. My diet is basically good and I work things in or out,one at a time.

  16. …as ALWAYS- there will ALWAYS be, the 1 "Company", who LIES about the "data" so that they can further CAPITALIZE & MONETIZE a specific "medication"/"pharmaceutical"- which would otherwise, leave the DIS-ease or ILL-ness, to become TERMINATED with the use of plants/plant based medicine!!

    Is THAT👆 REALLY- what "THEY"….
    (for those who WONT see- bc 'THEY'(a) ARE far too "CONDITIINED" AND "PROGRAMMED"- to even be able to SEE, what is REALLY going on!)
    ..WANT for YOU, the "Consumer"/"Patient"/"Citizen"?
    Uuughh, NO!
    "..but WHY?"

    WHELP, you see- by YOU, NOT having the correct information, then YOU- will go about making crappy decisions, UN-"informed", UN-aware & UN-educated- about the REAL Science- behind "WHY" YOU, ARE getting sick & WHY" YOUR children- (UNLESS OR UNTIL) THEY figure out the "system"!

    Whats rather, quite SAD & PATHETIC…
    …is that at the age of 9 yrs old- I figured out the "WHO" was 'feeding' "WHO" along with the whole, "HOW" the [so-called] "System" worked!

    …and YET- there are SOOOO MANY of you- who, after watching YOUR OWJ "Parents" wither away & pass away- YOU, STILL- CANNOT see, just "WHAT", EXACTLY- is REALLY going on!

    In a nut shell, WE- "The People", are in the middle of- "an Information War"!
    Notice how, when you ask "Google" a question, you end up with 27 answers, ALL conflicting, ALL by 'different' types of [so-called] "SOURCES"- INCLUDING, the [so-called] "Doctors" & "Nurtitionists"- who are usually ALL "Funded by", a BIASED "Millionaire"/"Billionaire"!
    (I.E.: Bill Gates, that "thing" & his ego- HE, SHOULD HAVE been 1 of the ones to have "passed from 'COVID'- INSTEAD of, even 1/16th of the total amount of "citizens" the "Gov" "deemed"- "COVID" Deaths!
    (..BEFORE you go off at the mouth, cussing ME out-…)

    Were YOU told to, "wear a mask in public"- in 2019? NOT 2020!
    Did YOU hear, so much as a whisper- on "The News" or the "media", about ANY "Tuberculosis Pandemic"?
    Did YOU know, 1.5 MILLION PEOPLE, died from Tuberculosis, in 2019!
    ..that the- "oh-so-caring", [so-called] "CDC" & "WHO"- BOTH, KEPT quiet, from the publics eyes and ears- …bc "Gov" & "Pharma", were NOT "READY", for the E-comm "biz" to blow up!

    Now… "Gov" & "Pharma", are GROVELING, at the feet of, "the consumer"- meanwhile, not only is the "foundation"- of everything you THOUGHT you "KNEW" about- by June 25th, 2021- WILL BE tipped on its head!
    [Thats IF- YOU haven't already heard of the work that Vishen Lakhiani, Dr. Bruce Lipton [an ETHICAL Doctor- NOT interested, invested in or concerned with- filling ANY. ONE. ELSES. POCKETS. FOR. PROFITS!] along with Gregg Braden, Lynne McTaggart, etc!
    Taking a GOOD, HARD look at the work they HAVE ALREADY RELEASED-
    ..MANY, of the [so-called] "humans" of "society", are not only NOT going to understand, much of what is stated by these EFFICIENTLY, TRUTHFUL & UN-BIASED, people- these "humans", who- DONT "like"- what is all discussed, shown & PROVEN- in their work-
    ..this INFORMATION. STUDIES & FACTS- are going to "THREATEN", the little #Egos of- the small-minded, infantile, NOT "ready" to EVOLVE- so called, "Adults's" little, "controlled", "safe" & (what they ASSumed was "stable") environment!

    Its OKAY! Let's just MAKE IT A POINT- TO NOT, get "stuck" in the "anger", "resentful", "miserable", "lets-get-even" or the "let's-get'em-back"- goldfish-brain-ed, so-called, "human beings"!

    Those who are NOT "ready"- WILL be left, behind- to repeat the same, low density, low vibrational, negative-mindset-life, repeati g suffering, repeating patterns that they "don't want"/"don't like"- AND YET- will "THEY"- (these so-called, "Human beings") ACT-ually DO. ANYTHING. About their "situation" or "circumstances"?

    "THEY", WILL continue to be "stuck" on the tiny, hamster wheel, "TikTok" "PROGRAMMED", psychologically SLOW- [so-called] "Humans"-

    Let. Them. BE!
    LEAVE them, in their own self-wallowing!
    THEY, NEED to come to their OWN "self-realization" & self awareness!
    …on their OWN time.
    If they NEED TO repeat anther "life", in order to "get it"- don't stick YOURSELF, in the way of THEIR "Fate"/"Destiny"- and RUIN, YOUR OWN "fate/"destiny", by "sulking" WITH them- bc, in the VERY near, simultaneous & INSTANTANEOUS "Future", YOU- just MIGHT, find your SELF- face-to-face, with the "REAL, real truth"!

    #SelfEducate #DueDilligence #InformYourSELF #EvolutionTime #LevelUp #NextLevel

  17. What about cress seeds? We have them the same way we have chia seeds here in the middle east, whats their benefits?

  18. 1 part to 9 for flax egg! 🤯 I’ve been doing 1 to 3…that’s what the package says! Maybe they’re just getting me to use more flax meal. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Anyway, it works great in cookies, pancakes, pumpkin pie, and banana bread! 😋

  19. Your thoughts on Sacha Inchi seeds know as starseed? I haven't heard any planned based doctors mention this but they are even higher in omega 3`s than flaxseed and they are delicious. I eat them as a snack and I now even make delicious starseed vegan parm replacing the cashews with starseeds in the recipe.

  20. But for guys, flax seeds lower testosterone levels and increase estradiol whereas chia seeds boost testosterone and so do sesame seeds. I had recent bloodwork and had high levels of estradiol and when I asked my doctor what could cause that and she said flax seed.

  21. Really informative, thanks for sharing! I use true elements chia seeds as its healthy and really awesome. Should i eat it raw or with water?

  22. I eat both although the chia is whole, I eat mostly it for the energy, calories it gives. The flax is ground and I have it on alternative days. I recently started eating pumpkin seeds, and wow! There's a great improvement in my urinary 'pee' flow! Since I do have mild BPH. Incredible!

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