Quali sono le cause del cancro a metastatizzare?

L'acido palmitico, un grasso saturo concentrato nella carne e nei latticini, può aumentare il potenziale metastatico delle cellule tumorali attraverso il recettore dei grassi CD36.

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Questo è il primo video di una serie in tre parti sulle metastasi del cancro. I prossimi due sono:
• Come aiutare a controllare le metastasi del cancro con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-control- cancro-metastasi-con-dieta)
• Il cibo che può sottoregolare il gene del cancro metastatico (
http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-food-that-can-downregulate-the-metastatic-cancer-gene)<br/>
Questo mi ricorda il mio video Cholesterol Feeds Breast Cancer Cells (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Cholesterol-Feeds-Breast-Cancer-Cells). Ho decine di altri video sul cancro e, se stai cercando una buona panoramica, dai un'occhiata a How Not to Die from Cancer (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/how-not-to-die-from-cancer).

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Quali sono le cause del cancro a metastatizzare?”

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if a receptor would be more prominent in meat eaters causing severe issues in sars-cov2. It always comes down to the same, stay far away from animal products!

  2. Trying to talk about nutrition causes of cancer and other diseases is the same as talking about gun control after a gun massacre. Nobody wants to hear. People yell at you. It’s frightening how closed minded people are. I for one am not intending to get the diseases that my parents and grandparents got. At least not till I’m 95.

  3. CD36 and a high fat diet has also shown to protect mice from diabetic states and metabolic disease- listed in the same reference list given here! It has mutliple mechanisms, including unknown expressions to improve insulin sensitivity when overloaded with high fat intakes.
    Stop the cherry picking!!!

  4. I hope the series covers the burning question:
    What about seeds and nuts? They contain palmitic acid..
    And does "vegetable oils" worsen cancer as Dr. McDougall has been saying for many years..

  5. I'm calling it now. To prevent metastasis eat more garlic, onion, mushrooms, soy and flax seeds. Funny how often flax seed is the answer.

  6. Dr Gregor, you are awesome. Thank you for your dedication in helping all of us live healthier lives. I know you have helped me be healthier. Years ago I never would have thought that I would ever be making or drinking homemade almond milk, nice cream and plant based patties and be completely satisfied and happy. Thank you. 😊

  7. This is actually really interesting. Everyone always talks about how much cancer cells love sugar, but this is the first time I've heard about fat, and cancer research used to be my job. I wish the cancer research department I used to work in would have considered diet at all in their work. It was taboo to talk about anything that wasn't T-cells (including other immune cells, sadly.) From the work I did, it seems that one of the reasons why treatment can drive metastasis is because the treatment kills off the weaker cells, but if it isn't strong enough to kill all the cells, we're naturally selecting for the more resistant cells in a person's body, and once the treatment is done and the pressure is taken off those surviving cells, they have an ideal environment to proliferate and spread, which can happen very quickly in some cases. This was something that made my work very frustrating since the treatment I was helping to develop wasn't particularly strong to begin with. They can't all be winners (and most of them won't be. Cancer is a very difficult problem to tackle.)

  8. I hope your message reaches so many people. This could save so many lives, and so much money and heartache. I tell everyone I know if they want to learn more about WFPB lifestyle to look you up.

  9. I know two people that died from cancer and sadly they ate meat and dairy daily along with chemo treatment. Their doctor told them to eat whatever they wanted to. Very sad.

  10. All I'm saying if you have cancer, cure it naturally. There have been thousands of people who have done it, even more. Doctors don't know nothing about curing real diseases and will always take the easy, often death causing route

  11. I don't think fat itself is the causer of cancer but can be an accelerator defo. We know fat itself doesn't necessarily cause cancer since the hunzas had a diet very high in saturated fats and cholestrol but the difference between us and them is they had real quality meat, they would eat very little but their food was very nutritious, their food was very high in nutrition due to their soils behind one of the richest soils. Cancer is caused by oxidation from these all these oils leading to free radical damage leading to mutations, inflammation which can come from these oils and a poor diet in general and nutritional deficiencies. I say this since most people are deficient in most minerals compared to our ancestors and nutrients make an astronomical difference in your bodies defense system. Nutrients such as selenium, zinc, copper, vit D and many more. these nutrients I mentioned are significantly required for the immune system defense but these are the ones alot of people are deficient in. Imagine if we had all the nutrients in higher amounts, just from that alone cancer rates would drop alot lower but our soils are not as nutrient dense anymore due to all these herbicides and not treating the soil in the manner it's supposed to be treated

  12. Hi. Could you advise whether oils like olive, flaxseed, rapeseed, hempseed, avocado, etc, should also be minimised in people with cancer, or is it only saturated fats? Thanks.

  13. Thank you for yet another informative video. The question that comes to mind is this. If fats (certain fats, I believe is the point) are responsible for increased metastasis and sugar is responsible for the growth of cancer cells, that only leaves us with proteins and minerals. Am I correct regarding the sugar and what is the solution to redress cancer growth and metastasis?

  14. German New Medicine makes more sense to me….



    "Common-sense questions we should ask:

    – If it is true that cancer cells travel via the bloodstream, why is donated blood not screened for cancer cells, and why is the public not being warned by the health authorities of the risks of coming in contact with the blood of a cancer patient?

    – If it is true that cancer cells migrate via the bloodstream, why are cancers of the blood vessel walls or of the heart not the most frequent cancers, since those are the tissues that would be most exposed to cancer cells traveling in the blood?

    – If it is true that cancer cells metastasize to other organs by way of the lymph system, how is it possible that a“metastasizing” cancer develops in the bones (statistically one of the most frequent sites of “metastatic tumors”), although the bones are not supplied with lymph fluid?

    – If it is true that secondary tumors are caused by cancer cells migrating through the blood or lymph system, why do cancer cells of a primary tumor rarely travel to adjacent tissues, for example, from the uterus to the cervix or from the bones to neighboring muscle tissue?:

    – If it is true that cancers metastasize to the brain, why are cancer cells allowed to pass the blood-brain barrier that functions as a vital filter to prevent harmful substances from entering the brain?

    – Why do we never hear about “brain tumor” cells metastasizing from the brain to an organ, let's say, to the prostate, to the bones, or to the breast? Based on the prevalent doctrine this would translate, for example, into brain cancer cells causing lung cancer!!"

  15. Great video, thanks for sharing. I love your material Dr Gregor. Btw I noticed you wear glasses and I have known a few people who significantly improved their eye sight, if not completely repaired with a special method I developed. I would be open to sharing it with you, If your up for it. I developed a special protocol using Japanese technology. It’s a hydrogen generator called the 2020 lourdes hydrofix. Their is tons of science to support its health benefits and I have seen amazing things. It’s already being used by the Japanese medical 🏥 system. Email me if your interested in learning more. Uprising144k at gmail. I love to help others and love how your videos do that. Blessings 🙏

  16. How can a differenciated cancer cell live and proliferate in a different organ? Have we even ever detected a cancer cell travelling in the blood stream?

  17. This seems like a pointless attempt at pinning the tail on the meat and dairy eaters.
    Let's all be clear here, sugar and high carb diets are the MAIN culprits in cancer growth. You wouldn't need to worry about high fatty acid diets if there would be no tumors to begin with.
    Cut out the sugar completely, at the very least do intermittent fasting and minimize processed carbs and seed oils and you'll be fine.
    Also NEVER snack. Let your body rest in between meals.

  18. cancer is a metabolic induced disease much more than a genetic disease. inflammation/fermentation of cells is where cancer cells begin. excessive glucose/insulin creates chronic inflammation/fermentation of cells. please stop with anti specific foods (fat, meat, etc.) yes, certain seed oils (omega 6 fatty acids) do cause an insulin spike and thus chronic inflammation, but other fats (omega 3 and oleic acid from olive oil do not induce inflammation. vegan vs keto. the BS never stops.

  19. Interesting theory, but from my own experience, seems to me like carbs/sugar are more likely to be the villain instead of fat. Both my parents and my elder brother died from cancer, both my mom and brother had metastasise, and I was with them at least 8 hours a day when they were having treatments while they were dying at the hospital, so I know exactly what their diets and routines were like. My mom ate very little fat, if any, in fact she was craving carbs and sugar like crazy for the last year of her life when the cancer began to spread. In the last month before she died, she was eating nothing but fruits, sweet things and high starchy food. My brother, on the other hand, was hardly eating anything as his cancer was in the throat, so he wasn’t able to swallow any solid food at all, so all he ever got were those nutrients supplement drinks or drips which had no fat, still his cancer spread and sadly passed away within 2 months at the age of 55. So from my own experience, I really cannot agree that a high fat diet is the cause for Metastasise.

  20. Why do you think cause is low cellular energy. If you don’t make your body more negative than -4 mev than cellular energy will be low enough to have your body turn into cancer. Vitamin D regulates the power production of the mitochondria in each cell. If it is low than cancer. How do we become more negative, put our bare feet on wet soil, exercise intensively, grab a tree, breathe deeply, and get in the ocean. Dr. Greger and most doctors believe, because they been told that is a toxin problem. Sure toxins play their role, but cellular energy is real root problem.

  21. But! Are Keto Dieters the ones with cancer today or the last 10 years of Keto popularity? Are they all coming down with cancer right & left? Hm?

  22. So you’re saying keto is bad for cancer? What about vegan or plant-based keto? Relying on coconuts, avocados, olives, nuts, and seeds?

  23. Omg I just opened my first jar of palm oil to bake with and then this video pops up… dollar stores are putting palm in every food bc it extends shelf life of the crap they make.

  24. Cancer cells love dietary fat??? No. They love glucose & glutamine according to every other scientist in the world. This guy's a little off the beaten path. But mostly I'd say he's a little bit off…his nut.

  25. palmitic acid is made by the liver by the de novo lipogenesis pathway from sugar and protein under the influence of insulin. It doesn't come from dietary fat intake.

  26. …And what the studies really were focused on, was the ability of cancer cells to metastatise, and trying to reframe this as indicating dangers of Sat-Fat lipid metabolism is a #failure. Clickbaiting = second rate SoMe bs.

  27. Stop. Stop. Stop. Why all doctors say that is SUGAR the main culprit in growing tumors and also metastasis?? Now I'm very confused and worst of all we people are going to end up eating just air and water

  28. Vegetables/fruit have been eliminated in my FIL who is 10 Yrs post transhiatal esophagectomy and 5 Yrs post primary lung ca. How does one help him get better advice. He is emaciated and has had more falling incidents. He continues to eat ice cream, and other diary even though it causes him to have vomiting episodes at night. How can he gain weight and still stay on a healthy diet.

  29. Too bad all the links in your comments above are truncated making them unusable and adding extra work to get to them. But, thanks for doing the research in creating them!

  30. Chemo drugs pull the immune system components apart, especially platinum-derived chemo drugs. Go find out on Pubmed – many research papers on this.

  31. You are what you eat. Your diet impacts your health.
    Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
    Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
    Reduce or eliminate cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables.Eliminate fast food and sugary drinks and juices.
    Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
    Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
    Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
    A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
    Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
    Every city should be a bicycle city.
    Speak up for bicycles in your community

  32. – Scientist K.E Anaekwe: – CANCER is caused by a lost/reduced/ lack of absorbed formation law ( death law ) in the Circle of Life…..
    – Visit – wattpad – Book Title ; WHAT DOCTORS DON'T KNOW ABOUT CANCER – – – order ur copy – – – – –

  33. Hum…..and…..did you know Vegans have the lowest cancer rate of any group!: But when researchers asked nearly 70,000 volunteers about their diets, then tracked them over time, they found lower cancer rates among people who didn't eat meat at all. In fact, vegans — those who don't eat any animal products including fish, dairy or eggs — .Oct 30, 2019

  34. if fat "caused" cancer than the indigenous peoples in the northernmost climates who live on an extremely high fat diet would all have died out.
    fat does not cause cancer. cancer can feed off of various courses….sugar, fat, ketones etc.
    normal cells can also feed off of these sources.

  35. Source: Live strong.
    Palmitic Acid's Important Role in the Body

    First, let's dive into how your body can manufacture this fatty acid on its own. The American Heart Association, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and other medical authorities recommend limiting your intake of saturated fats as part of a healthful lifestyle. That said, a limited amount of palmitic acid in your diet can support its various beneficial roles and functions. Cells can use it as fuel to generate energy and palmitic acid is a key component of cell membranes, lung secretions and some signaling molecules, which regulate cellular activities.

    Fat as Fuel

    Your cells can use palmitic acid (and other fatty acids) as fuel to generate the energy necessary to perform their biological functions. The energy results from fatty acid oxidation or, more simply, "burning" fat. This process typically provides most of the energy needed to support your daily activities and low-intensity exercise, such as a leisurely walk.

    Another energy-generating process called glucose oxidation provides most of the remaining needed energy. During moderate to intense exercise, the relative contribution of fatty acids and glucose used to fuel your muscles varies depending on factors such as how long you're working out for and when you last ate.

    Read more: Your Ultimate Guide to Fats and Why Your Diet Needs Them

    Your body stores excess calories primarily as triglycerides in your fat cells, or adipose tissue. Here's the science of how it works: Each triglyceride molecule consists of three fatty acids bound to a glycerol backbone. When you need energy, your body breaks down triglycerides and the liberated fatty acids (including palmitic acid) undergo oxidation. And voilà, energy is produced!

    In fact, the saturated fat is especially important for babies. A whopping 45 to 50 percent of newborns' body fat is made up of palmitic acid, as reported in a September 2016 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition article. The author further notes that palmitic acid's importance as a contributor to a baby's fat stores continues after birth — it accounts for about 10 percent of the total caloric intake in exclusively breastfed infants.

    Nerve and Brain Protection

    Dietary or synthesized palmitic acid can serve as the foundational building block to create other fatty acids. Fatty acids are incorporated into chemicals, such as phospholipids, that function as structural building blocks of cell membranes — structures that surround cells and contain their contents. Palmitic acid is particularly abundant in cell membranes. It is also a building block for compounds called sphingolipids, which are abundant in membranes that surround and protect your brain and nerve cells.

    Several derivatives of palmitic acid function as cell signaling molecules — meaning that they bind to cell receptors and trigger specific effects. For example, lab and animal studies have shown that signaling molecule palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) exerts anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and pain-reducing effects, as reported in a June 2017 British Journal of Pharmacology review.

    Anti-Diabetic Effects

    Palmitic-acid-9-hydroxy-stearic acid (9-PAHSA) is another signaling molecule that exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects. A study conducted in mice demonstrated that supplementing their diet with 9-PAHSA led to improved insulin sensitivity and less fat tissue inflammation, according to a February 2018 Cell Metabolism study. However, comparable human studies haven't been conducted yet.

    Your body normally tightly controls the palmitic acid concentration in your tissues, synthesizing the fatty acid when dietary shortfalls occur. With certain medical conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, the body isn't able to regulate the amount of tissue palmitic acid as well, and ends up producing more. (So, this occurs mainly because the body overproduces the fatty acid — not from eating too many foods containing the fat.)

    Lung Surfactant

    Cells in your lungs produce a secretion called lung surfactant, also known as pulmonary surfactant. This fluid lines the microscopic lung air sacs, preventing them from collapsing when you exhale. Lung cells that produce pulmonary surfactant incorporate palmitic acid into a molecule called dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). This is the predominant component of lung surfactant, according to a May 2015 Annals of the American Thoracic Society article.

    You may have heard of lung surfactant in the context of premature babies, who can suffer breathing difficulties due to inadequate production. However, adequate amounts of DPPC-rich lung surfactant is key to normal lung function throughout life.

    Should You Eat Foods Containing Palmitic Acid?

    The main food sources of palmitic include meats, animal fats, milk, dairy products, eggs and vegetable oils — especially palm oil. Palmitic acid accounts for 45 percent of the fats in palm oil, according to a February 2018 PLOS One review. Processed foods also usually contain significant amounts of palmitic acid due to use of palm oil as an ingredient.

    Read more: While Coconut Oil Contains Lots of Fatty Acid, It's Not All Bad

    The role of saturated fats in heart disease risk remains a hotly debated topic with various studies finding mixed results, as reviewed by Baylor College of Medicine professor Dennis M. Bier, MD, in a September 2016 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition study. The same holds true with respect to some other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

    And because palmitic acid is a type of saturated fat, healthcare professionals have long cautioned against eating too much. However, the PLOS One review, in which researchers evaluated the effects of palm oil on the risk for heart disease, found a lack of strong evidence to either support or refute such an association. The researchers point out that failure to establish a clear association could be due to the fact that palm oil is added to many foods, making it challenging to accurately determine true dietary intake and possible risks. Simply put, it's complicated.

    However, eating too many calories and unhealthy carbs, as well as living a sedentary lifestyle, can cause the body to produce more palmitic acid, potentially leading to conditions such as high blood sugar and dangerous accumulation of fat around major organs, according to the November 2017 report. Eating omega-3-rich foods may help balance the ratio.

    Rather than focusing on your intake of specific fats, like palmitic acid, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends a food-based approach to achieve a healthful amount and variety of fats in your diet. This includes enjoying fatty fish, nuts and seeds, lean meats and poultry, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes regularly.

    And don't fear coconut if you like cooking with the flavorful oil! Coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil all come from palm trees but their fatty acid composition differs substantially. While paltimic acid is the most abundant fat in palm oil, lauric acid — which can raise the good HDL cholesterol — is the predominant fatty acid in both coconut and palm kernel oils.

  36. Unfortunately I’m realizing now, most of us will eventually get cancer. Our environment and the pollution we created will get us sick and possibly kill some as well. Please discuss the damages and the impact on the environment. Also how pesticides impact cancer rates in people! Plus the water! Why are we ignoring the obvious!?

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