Quanto tè all'ibisco è troppo?

L'impressionante contenuto di manganese del tè all'ibisco può essere il fattore limitante per livelli di consumo giornalieri sicuri.

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Questo video è un buon motivo per iscriversi (http://nutritionfacts.org /subscribe/ gratis ovviamente) ai miei video. Non si sa mai quando la nuova scienza cambierà i miei consigli dietetici.

Il limone può effettivamente aumentare il contenuto di antiossidanti del tè verde e bianco. Vedi Tè verde vs. bianco (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/green-tea-vs-white/). E per un confronto dei loro effetti antitumorali in vitro, Antimutagenic Activity of Green Versus White Tea ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/antimutagenic-activity-of- green-versus-white-tea/).<br/>
E il contenuto di alluminio nel tè normale? Questo era l'argomento del mio ultimo video Is There Too Much Aluminium in Tea? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-there-toomuch-aluminum-in-tea) Prima che ho trattato un altro potenziale aspetto negativo del consumo di tè acido in Protecting Teeth From Hibiscus Tea ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/protecting-teeth-from-hibiscus- tea) ma prima di allora un motivo per cui tutti dovremmo considerare di berlo in: Hibiscus Tea vs. diete a base vegetale per l'ipertensione (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/hibiscus-tea-vs-plant-based-diets-for-hypertension).

Per ulteriori informazioni sull'effetto di assorbimento del ferro, vedere il mio video Rischi associati agli integratori di ferro (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ risk-associated-with-iron-supplements/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-hibiscus-tea-is-too-much/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Isaac Wedin via Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “Quanto tè all'ibisco è troppo?”

  1. Oof, a quart? ! used hibiscus as a wine substitute ( spiced with ginger and sweetened with fresh pressed apple juice)  so I only drink about 1 cup or so a day. 

  2. Some questions i don't understand after watching the hibiscus tea videos: 1. Does soaking the hibiscus tea in hot water extracts more nutrients from the leaves in comparison to just soaking it in room temperature water over night in the fridge? 2. Will the tea loose some of its nutrients if soaked in the fridge over night? 3. Is it a must to soak the leaves in the fridge overnight (to keep it from spoiling?)? 4. Does mixing half a cup of lemon juice with 4 cups of water, 4 teaspoons of hibiscus and a small bunch of mint leaves is safe?

  3. In the video you released today you stated you were drinking a lot of hibiscus tea, more than your recommendation in this video, for the antioxidants, and were putting a lemon in the concoction to soak overnight. Am I missing something?

  4. I have a hibiscus plant in my balcony so i don't go for tea bags or dried leaves. Is it okay to intake one flower per day in the form of a tea?

  5. Saying a quart of tea is kind of broad given the fact that we all make our tea in different strengths. I brew mine very light, so I think a quart more than doubles for me. I get about 5 to 6 quarts per two tablespoons of Hibiscus flowers. Perhaps the reason I could drink it so light is because I add two organic unbleached peppermint tea bags to mine when brewing. I am curious to know in flower form though how much would be considered too much. Thanks for the video.

  6. If you intend to grow your own hibiscus for use as tea, just be sure it is the right species, as the mallows are a large plant family that much resemble one another in many cases. Only one of them is the right one for tea. The flowers from species Hibiscus sabdariffa are the tea, though the leaves are edible as well.

    The plant is native to South Africa and it is not the exotic flower that comes in many colours that we see in most garden centres or florists. The plant is actually grown for use as a fibre, like jute, as well as for the leaves and flowers. Flowers are white or pale yellow with a red dot at each petal base. You can brew a whole flower that is fresh or has been dried and blend it up like the good doctor does if you wish. In tea bags, the flowers will be very finely chopped up and it can be hard to tell just what's in a tea bag. I prefer the tea made from the whole flower, personally.

  7. Hi there, have you considered Hybetez Remedy yet? Simply just do a
    google search. On there you'll find an awesome tips about how exactly
    you can cure your hypertension naturally. Why not give it a chance?
    perhaps it is going to work for you too.

  8. just drink Puroast or Cafe Sanora….slow low roasted coffee…boasts 70% less acid than high heat roasted coffees…plus much of the antioxidants are left in tact…in fact….more antioxidants than green tea…..tastes great and doesn't dehydrate me either…..please look into…its grrrreat wes

  9. How strong would the tea be for your
    2 quart limit? We make a gallon pretty strongly and use it to flavor our water similar to adding a slice of lime or lemon to our water.

  10. Yay! Praising God for the information in this video! I had given up green tea to be obedient to the Word of Wisdom contained in my LDS scripture called the Doctrine & Covenants. Now Dr. Gregor shows us that there is something way better! #blessedfaithful!

  11. that proves one thing, it is not easy to measure the effect of food in our body , the are doing this in cholesterol, sugar, coconut oil, vitamine D, etc etc… short answer is moderate in every thing, a cup or 2 of tea, another cup or 2 of coffee, a cup of hipscus, a cup of water, another of fresh juice, that is more than enough for a a day.
    if you love one drink a lot, ok 2 or 3, but then take a break for 2 or 3 days Just common sense, greetings.

  12. Where can I find hibiscus petals with which to make tea? I don't like the preprocessed tea bags. They don't taste right.

  13. I'm glad I watched this one, because I was about to replace my drinking water with hibiscus tea after the data about it having more antioxidant power than green tea. This video should be added to the info of that other video so that people know this important update and don't consume too much hibiscus tea.

  14. And according to one of Dr. Greger's other videos, hibiscus tea is hard on the enamel of the teeth, so you should rinse with water after drinking it. I thought I could avoid this by putting the ground dry hibiscus flowers in capsules and taking them like vitamin pills, but now am concerned about the aluminum and manganese intake.

  15. I drink 2 cups of Hibiscus tea a day to normalise my Blood pressure dropped from 130/90 to 120/80 on average. Hibiscus has similar qualities to a calcium channel blocker prescribed by a Gp. The advice I gained before drinking it is to not consume more than 3 cups a day as it can dramatically lower your BP and cause low blood pressure if to much is consumed also it is a natural diuretic.

  16. Does the plain hibiscus tea have calories? I am a heavy consumer and I’ve been trying to find that answer online with no avail.

  17. Doc, you're not being specific here, let alone scientific. You keep referring to no more than a quart a day, but how concentrated is "your" quart compared to others. Some might use one table spoon of dried hibiscus per quart; and some might use 2 or three table spoon per quart of boiling water. Big differences! So you need to be specific as to how much of the dried hibiscus tea to take in a day, not the volume of the liquid tea, which is very misleading and widely variable in the tea concentration from one drinker to the other. That is just bucket chemistry and useless as an advice to people.

    People need to know how many grams of dry weight hibiscus per day they could take per kg body weight per day, not how much volume of tea they drink. You've never answer any of my questions but you really need to answer this question or else no one is going to respect this video of your after reading my comment. I'm vegan. I love you, I respect you for your works, but I and many others want nothing but wants reliable data and not have to guess whether the hibiscus tea I made is more or less concentrated than yours for comparison. Does my "quart" has doubled your "quart" in the dry weight of hibiscus tea, or perhaps tripled? Who knows?

  18. Since we're discussing facts, isn't the correct pronunciation of a "hibiscus":
    The dictionaries say the first "i" is long. So I am curious.

  19. This tea is the best drink to drink, if any pharmaceutical doctors tell you not to drink it, they don't want natural medication to heal you the reason why they will be out of jobs.

  20. I’m going to drink as much,or as little of the hibiscus tea as I want to because it’s none of his business how much hibiscus tea I drink in a short time.
    I’m sick, and tired of these “know it all” health experts trying to tell the people what’s good for them, and what’s not good for them; and how much they should be consuming, or not consuming.
    People who care about their own health can, and will make their own decisions .

  21. Has anyone used the Hybetez Remedy to treat your high blood pressure issue inherently ? Simply do a google search. On there you'll find a great suggestions about how you can treat your high blood pressure issue inherently . Why not give it a chance? maybe it's going to work for you too.

  22. What is Hybetez Remedy? Does it work? I hear lots of people treat their high blood pressure issue inherently with this high blood pressure treatment.

  23. Does Hybetez Remedy (just google it) help me treat my high blood pressure issue inherently ? I see lots of people keep on talking about this high blood pressure remedy.

  24. Does Hybetez Remedy really work? I notice lots of people keep on talking about Hybetez Remedy. But I'm not sure if it is good enough to treat your high blood pressure issue naturally .

  25. Thank you Dr. I was drinking a half gallon as you originally suggested. As a recommendation, it might be a good idea to delete the other video.

  26. I read plenty of good opinions on the net about how Hybetez Remedy can assist you cure your high blood pressure issue inherently . Has anybody tried this high blood pressure secret remedy?

  27. Do natural high blood pressure remedy like Hybetez Remedy really work and if so, how effective are they? We have heard many awesome things about this high blood pressure treatment.

  28. Around 6-7 years ago I found out about your channel, told my mom about hibiscus tea. We've been drinking almost every day since. This channel has changed my life, being the longest subscription on youtube for me!

  29. I read plenty of great opinions on the internet about how exactly Hybetez Remedy can help you cleanse your high blood pressure issue inherently . Has anybody tried using this high blood pressure secret remedy?

  30. Any one tried the Hybetez Remedy (search on google)? We have heard several awesome things about this high blood pressure secret remedy.

  31. Hi there, have you considered Hybetez Remedy yet? Simply do a google search. On there you will discover that a great suggestions about how you can cure your high blood pressure issue naturally . Why don't you give it a chance? perhaps it'll work for you too.

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