Rallentare il nostro metabolismo con verdure ricche di nitrati

Il motivo per cui i verdi sono associati a una durata di vita significativamente più lunga potrebbe essere perché, come la restrizione calorica, migliorano la nostra efficienza energetica.

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Che ne dici di aumentare le prestazioni atletiche? Vedi
• Barbabietole intere vs. succo per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whole-beets-vs-juice-for -miglioramento-delle-prestazioni-atletiche)

• Ossigenazione del sangue con verdure ricche di nitrati (http:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/oxygenating-blood-with-nitrate-rich-vegetables)
• Metodo di punteggio dei nitrati dietetici “Veg-Table” (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/veg-Table-dietary-nitrate-scoring-method)

Non vuoi portare le barbabietole in pista con te? Prova i semi di finocchio: semi di finocchio per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fennel-seeds-to-improve-athletic-performance/).

Vuoi sapere qualcos'altro di carino che i verdi possono fare? Scopri come rigenerare il coenzima Q Naturalmente (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-regenerate-coenzyme-Q-naturalmente).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/slowing-metabolism-nitrate-rich-vegetables e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Wolffsfa via Pixabay.

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45 Risposte a “Rallentare il nostro metabolismo con verdure ricche di nitrati”

  1. So if you haven't obtained your ideal body weight and you're trying to lose weight… you should eat less nitrate-rich vegetables?

  2. Caloric restriction is not a good advice for weight loss. It works in the short term, but in the long term it's about eating healthy and a moderate amount of exercise.
    Good example are the Biggest Loser contestants who lost a ton of weight by creating a huge calorie deficit daily by eating low calorie & exercising like crazy, then surgery to remove skin and more fat.
    Almost all of them gained it back. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/02/health/biggest-loser-weight-loss.html?_r=0

  3. I've always enjoyed having a fast metabolism as it allows me to eat whatever I want without putting on weight, I've never thought about it in terms of being an inefficient metabolism before…

  4. I kind of like the 40 hour fast idea . Eat at 6pm and then don,t eat again for 40 hours,, you would eat a day later at 10 am. I,ll need a chart lol

  5. So. . . eating greens makes us live longer but fatter? I would much rather give up a few years of old age to be less fat during the years I can enjoy it.

  6. Ohh perfect. I'm on the mc dougall diet but i'll have to tweak it, either up my callories somehow or something else because sometimes i just can not keep up eating so much food all the time. My daily migrain attacks have lessened considerably, from 5 or 6 a week to about 1 or 2 a month, i call that a win but at times i still have them and then i just can't eat a lot or even keep my food down. I do not and will not take the toxic migrain medicines. I would rather do it with diet alone but I can not afford to lose that much weight again. I have been underweight for most of my life, then had a period of being slightly overweight. Maybe this is the holy grail of weight/energy stabilisation, i don't know anymore. I'll try it. Conserving 100 cal a day at times when it counts, sounds good to me. Thanks again Dr. Greger! Not everyone has an OVERweight problem. Sometimes i feel i'm just screaming into the wind. I just want a healthy diet. Losing weight is easy for me, too easy. I love your varied topics so i can just pick and choose which ones would apply to my situation and use the info. I'm not a big fan of raw greens but i'll work them in somewhere. It's probably the factor that was missing.

  7. Interesting that a woman that I knew ate a lot of green vegetables and she always had a weight issue. Also walking doesn't get oxygen to your brain and many people that walk too much then have to have joint replacements.

  8. So, athletes, or those exercise regularly with a higher RMR may shorten their lives? I thought with the current global obesity epidemic one would want to raise their RMR.

  9. 10* Now to get all the ALONE challengers to eat any greens they can forage, and they will have slower metabolisms, and not use up as much energy.

  10. whenever i have my "detox phases" when i only eat fresh veggies, fruits and other plant based "super foods" and no processed food, i have noticed that my metabolism does slow down… when im back to relative ok "junk food" i swear i could go three time a day…

  11. Thank you Dr. Gregor for all the videos and you book how not to die. I bought the book, started the whole foods plant based diet on 4/17 and dropped my cholesterol from 225 to 149. I hope to be able to stop taking Crestor once I talk to my doctor in August. Thanks for all you do!

  12. Hmmn… A lot of people who listen to Dr. Greger and others are looking to loose weight yet eating the way they prescribe with greens in mind(according to this video) may work against that. It's a double edge sword this health business.

  13. Hello Dr. gregor, please I want to know something it's very urgent one of my friend she has got cervical cancer at her last stage. before she didn't come to know anything about this.can you tell me please by eating which things she can survive? she is going to operate it on Monday. Please reply soon. Thanks a lot.

  14. Some people's comments seem to take this short message and think that's all Griger has to say and then seem to think they can rip apart his entire foundation with their one little comment. I advise anyone sitting on the fence to just be open minded enough to watch a series of these videos. If they can save your life, wouldn't you want to spend at least as much time watching these as you would watching sport or 'reality' tv?

  15. How is it a benefit to slow your metabolic rate when most people struggle with excess weight? I want to lose weight, does that mean I should not eat vegetables?

  16. They looked at resting metabolic rate, but did they look to see if their metabolism increased at all in order to digest the greens? Perhaps it evens out in the end…

  17. This may seem a silly comment, but I noticed there was some variation in using your opening & closing sound effect / bell tone. Sometimes you leave it off at the end. Maybe I'm weird (probably I'm weird), but I miss it when it's not there. Meh.

  18. Leafy greens generally contain a lot of water and are very fibrous. It seems to me they sate the appetite without much caloric density. So maybe it balances out: they lower the metabolism, but help us to eat fewer calories.

  19. I would be interested in how exercise might lower metabolism. I understand that some athletes are so fit that they have unusually slow resting heart rates. I once had a doctor visit and was told my resting heart rate for the visit was so slow that I should get a pace maker. Once he found out that I had no symptoms like dizziness or low energy, he said I didn't need it. BTW I eat a mostly WFPB diet.

  20. I prefer having a lean body (not overly big and small) with relatively slow metabolism and can do active sports. That way, I can live longer to show my great great grandchildren how great their great great grandfather is.

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