Rendere le nostre arterie meno appiccicose

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DESCRIZIONE: I funghi sembrano avere un effetto antinfiammatorio sulle cellule di rivestimento delle arterie umane in vitro, che possono aiutare a fermare la cascata infiammatoria ritenuta parte integrante la progressione della cardiopatia aterosclerotica (ostruzione delle arterie). Vengono confrontati gli effetti di shitake, crimini, ostrica, maitake e semplici funghi champignon bianchi. Per ulteriori magie dai semplici funghi bianchi, vedere Vegetables Versus Breast Cancer ( e prevenzione del cancro al seno: quale fungo è il migliore? ( Assicurati solo di cucinarli: le tossine nei funghi crudi? ( In termini di alimenti antinfiammatori in generale, controlla Antiossidanti infiammatori (, Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation (, Livelli di aspirina negli alimenti vegetali ( ) e Mele essiccate contro colesterolo ( colesterolo/). In termini di alimenti pro-infiammatori, vedere la serie in 4 parti Migliorare l'umore attraverso la dieta ( -through-diet/), Osservazioni infiammatorie sull'acido arachidonico ( /infiammatori-remarks-about-arachidonic-acid/), pollo, uova e infiammazione (http :// e Chicken's Fate Is Sealed ( Se te lo sei perso, dai un'occhiata al video del giorno di ieri ( -il-primo-scatto-della-malattia-del-cuore) e uno qualsiasi degli altri 500 o giù di lì video che coprono più di mille argomenti su topic/.<br/>
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su / e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Sweetbeetandgreenbean e NASA tramite Flickr.
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30 Risposte a “Rendere le nostre arterie meno appiccicose”

  1. Very interesting. As a vegan, I have to point out that mushrooms and other fungii are not plants or animals but a seperate kingdom altogether. And yes, as vegan, you can eat them!

  2. it's not just the voice it's the way he slows his words and the speeds them up. I have found that it's worth the pain to get the info.

  3. WHAT??? folks complaining about Dr. Greger's VOICE??? What silly whining…PLEASE..if you WANT to become healthier, listen to this man!!! And I will say Dr. Andrew Weil has also touted the great benefits of mushrooms for a long time. Thanks Dr. Greger!

  4. i enjoy dr greger's voice…often scientists will speak in monotone and a guy with a boring voice lecturing me on what i should eat would prolly put me to sleep …but dr greger is great

  5. Would it matter or make a difference that these mushrooms were cooked or not, or what other things we ate with them?  All of a sudden after years of hearing raw foods propaganda I am starting to hear "cooking" propaganda, which is sort of being substituted for "processed".  Any difference in the health effects?

  6. I wonder how well they work if I were to make mushroom bacon with them. My family HATES mushrooms, and it's the only way to get any of us to eat them.

  7. Mushroom Recipe:
    (Note: You can't over-cook mushrooms they hold their structure intact)
    This recipe is from a Michelin chef.

    3 cup of any mushrooms (mixed mushrooms if you're adventurous)
    1 cup of water (3:1 ratio of mushroom to water)
    1 glove of garlic
    1 pinch of ginger
    Salt and pepper to taste (fish sauce if desired)
    Put all these ingredient in a pot, bring to boil and boil for 15-20 mins and stir
    Turn off heat and add spring onion and cilantro (optional)

    If you want a tangy sour taste add 1 cumquat (optional)

    Have it by itself as a soup,
    or add noodles,
    or pour it over rice.

    If you want more vegies, you can add bok choy, mung bean sprouts and kang-kong. Add these in the end of cooking as you don't want to over cook these vegies.

    You can't go wrong with this dish, enjoy 🙂

  8. Were the mushrooms cooked or raw/will cooking the mushrooms reduce their impact, much like cooking broccoli stops the formation of sulforaphane?

  9. I hate the taste of mushrooms.
    Why doesnt doctor Gregor give the amount that were supposed to take minimum day?

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