11 Risposte a “Resistant starch is found in many common foods, including beans, whole grains, and vegetables.”

  1. Resistant starch is junk science. Had Dr. shits and Grins ever tested the theory using a glucose monitor or CGM would know this. There is only like 3 grams per 100 grams of resistant starch in things like rice, potatoes, etc. cooling makes no difference. Test it yourself dont listen to the bunk coming from his bunk hole.

  2. I eat probiotics regularly and also Benefiber and still can't digest beans anymore since having colorectal surgery 8 years ago. Before that I had no problem with any Bean and rarely had gas.

  3. I will have to respectfully disagree with Dr. Greger here. Though I don't recall the name of the trial, I believe it was ZOE that did a trial and found that people starting with a deficient microbiome experienced worse inflammation on a high fiber diet. People with a deficient microbiome absolutely benefit from probiotics and fermented foods in preparation for increasing their fiber intake.

    If I'm not mistaken, Christopher Gardner of Stanford was involved in the trial, so this is a quality trial Dr. Greger should take into account.

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