Rispondendo alle vostre domande su colesterolo e diabete

Rispondo ad alcune domande comuni che mi sono state poste su colesterolo e diabete. Qual è il livello ideale di LDL? Come posso ridurre la resistenza all'insulina? Cosa succede quando qualcuno mangia in modo sano ma il suo glucosio è ancora fuori controllo?

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Ho un sacco di video sul colesterolo. I miei più recenti sono Quanto in basso dovresti andare per i livelli di colesterolo ideali? e il colesterolo può diventare troppo basso? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-low-should-you-go-for-ideal-cholesterol-levels/ e https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-cholesterol-get-too-low/)<br/>
Il video di Lp(a) è Come abbassare Lp(a) con la dieta? (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-lower-lpa-with-diet/). Tuttavia, in questa risposta, ho detto che pensavo che i semi di cumino nero e il lino aiutassero ad abbassare Lp(a), ma, in realtà, la ricerca che abbiamo finora mostra solo che una sana dieta a base vegetale fa il trucco, sebbene l'amla possa anche essere utile.

Nella mia risposta HDL, ho menzionato un video in cui ho parlato di correlazione contro causalità. Vedi l'olio di cocco e l'aumento del colesterolo “buono” HDL (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/coconut-oil-and-the-boost-in-hdl -buon-colesterolo/).

E per coloro che sono interessati a saperne di più sul diabete, ho una miniera di video su questo argomento. Eccone solo alcuni:
Che cosa causa la resistenza all'insulina? (
La migliore dieta per il diabete (
Diete vegetali e diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant- based-dietes-and-diabetes/)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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38 Risposte a “Rispondendo alle vostre domande su colesterolo e diabete”

  1. My husband argues with me that cholesterol is necessary for brain health to protect again Alzheimers etc. This is based on an article he read by mayo clinic🤦‍♀️ I'm giving up on him, he can do whatever he wants at this point.

  2. Can you give the metric or whatever the other measurements are too please – not just what you use in the US ?

    Ldl of 100 would mean you're dead in Australia, Canada, UK and most of Europe.

    Love your work Dr Greger but its the worldwide web – more than just Americans are tuning in.

  3. The channel is now up to 911K at the time of posting. The growth it has experienced in 2022 is truly incredible and a wonderful tribute to Michael Greger and everyone involved in the project.

  4. I have FH familial hypercholesterolemia – I take double injections of a PCSK9 inhibitor that finally gets me in range without felt side effects. My LDL is 386 alone without extreme treatment, including LDL Apheresis. My Lp(a) is still high. Statins damn near killed me and obliterated my brain and ability to think. Cholesterol is necessary for brain function. Yes I have heart/vascular disease 61 year old female. Work with your doctors for best treatment and pay attention to side effects. My ‘fibromyalgia’ was really statin intolerance side effects.

  5. It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
    Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.

  6. In some basic labs years back, although my doc knew I was vegan, he was "alarmed" when my cholesterol was 134 because the lower limit ("minimum") was 140 !!! 😂😂😂

  7. If LDL is a bad actor and causes cardio vascular disease why doesnt it effect the veins and capillaries?

    Im going to answer my own question because Dr. Fruity Arse cant answer it based on the cholesterol hypothesis he and the other quacks use to explain cardio disease.
    Cholesterol is similar to blood platelets which form on our skin and create a scab after we get a cut so the cut can heal. Well cholesterol acts the same way in the damaged arteries, Its a part of the repair mechanism for damage to our arteries and circulatory system in general except our veins with rare exception never get damaged so we never get plugged up veins. Its only arteries and the why is the arteries are the high pressure side of the circulatory system. Blood pressure itself plays a large role in the damage but are not the only factor. People with diabetes and sickle cell are examples of actual vectors for damage. Combine high pressure blood mostly a water solution with blood cells that look like knives and the blood cells themselves cause the damage. Take a diabetic with habitually high blood glucose and the sugar a crystal in high concentrations makes the blood abrasive as well (That is my theory). There are other things that can cause the damage but it isnt the cholestetol.
    The primary driver isnt diet persea its over consumption in general combined with the effects of being sedentary. Habitually over consuming starts the wheels in motion for metabolic diseases/metabolic dysfunction. Habitually high calories have to be stored be it fat or sugar it all gets stored as fat once our glycogen stores are full. So if the body is habitually in fat storage mode and the fat cells themselves become full then the excess fat has no where to be stored. So it starts getting deposited in the muscles and organs and over a period of time those factors all add up to metabolic dysfunction, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
    the reason a healthy vegan diet is healthy at least in the beginning is because its essentially a low calorie subsistence/starvation diet. It us very hard to eat thousands of calories a day of mostly vegetables.
    So the bottom line is if you want to avoid all the issues associated with metabolic dysfunction including cancers quit eating so damn much and so consistently often and eat to an equilibrium or deficiet of calories most of the time coupled with at least 1 hour 5 days a week of some kind of interval type exercise that cycles your heart rate above 140 bpm multiple times during that hour. Preferably something that uses your whole body.

  8. Hey doc, i'm far from fat, training regularly athletic build, 41 y/o eating a lot of WFPB and no more than 7% of calories from saturated fats. And still my fasting glucose is stubbornly high , around 110. My a1c is around 95-96. What the hell should i do

  9. This guy is an " Old School " Cholesterol is "Bad" Give it up already! People who have "High" Cholesterol live longer than People who have "Low" Cholesterol So don't tell us the crap about lowering Our Fat and Cholesterol

  10. If you're a type 2 diabetic, you can lose weight by simply decreasing your calorie intake from approximately 300-500 calories a day. Eat high fiber foods that keep you satiety like potatoes, apples, and cruciferous veggies, and try to avoid, at least until you get the weight under control, any nuts, seeds, oils, nut butter, avocado, etc. When you've lost the weight, you can resume eating those foods. Again, weight loss is all about calorie deficits and cutting out refined foods and replace them with whole plant foods.

  11. Whole food plant based over 15 years. My cholesterol has always been great. Just hit pre menopause and suddenly my LDL has shot up without any change in diet or exercise.

  12. This guy has almost a million brainwashed subscribers. Unbelievable! He is basically lying about ldl. Ldl is only problematic when it is oxidized or glycated. Guess what does that? Excess sugar and seed oils. Seed oils or vegetable oils which they are called are very susceptible to oxidation. Oxidation is not a good thing in the body. Guess what's not prone to oxidation? Saturated fat! Did are ancestors measure their cholesterol levels? No. Don't you think nature has worked these things out? Use your fu%kn head and don't blindly follow someone even if their a doctor or it will be your funeral.

  13. I eat only eat whole plant foods, have recently cut out sugar ( wow i can't even drink a cola anymore, tastes disgusting ), my bmi is 23, I train 6 days a week on my mountain bike for races, … My bp used to be 150/90 and is now 110/70, resting heart rate from 85 to 50, but my LDL levels did not change and remain stubbornly at 100-110 but my total cholesterol went from 250 to 150. Anyone have any suggestions? Full disclosure I have been a drug addict ( don't worry this is not my real name ) for about 30 years now and only get about 4 hours of sleep per night. Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions.

  14. Those ideal LDL levels are associated with twice the rate of death as higher levels. This is meaningless since it's just an association but it's the same evidence most doctor dunces use to push the lipid hypothesis.

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