The Role of Vitamin C in the Treatment of Terminal Cancer

What can we conclude about the role of IV vitamin C after 33 years of trials involving at least 1,600 patients?

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If you missed the first two videos in this series, for the complete saga, see Intravenous Vitamin C for Terminal Cancer Patients ( and Vitamin C Supplements for Terminal Cancer Patients (

I discuss the conundrum of what do to about funding research of non-patentable natural treatments in Plants as Intellectual Property – Patently Wrong? ( On one hand, we want therapies to be accessible, but if no one profits off of it, who’s going to fund the necessary research?

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Wendy via Flickr.
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56 Risposte a “The Role of Vitamin C in the Treatment of Terminal Cancer”

  1. All that money couldn't save David Bowie from Cancer. If there was an easy solution i'm sure the rich and famous would of paid for it. It's sad that even after all the studies done the Vit C debate is still unanswered 100%

  2. Your chemo survival rates are incorrect. Maybe that's the number for terminal patients and maybe you just made a mistake and didn't say that together with your stat. Or maybe you were saying that way on purpose to skew people's opinion on chemo. I have noticed this before in your video, you continently leave out little details that make you explanations sound more dramatic, which is a shame because I really like your channel but I'm starting to not trust your information which makes watching this channel useless to me… I started watching the channel because I myself am a cancer survivor and I want to keep it that way but I'm starting to question you motives honestly. Granted it's hard to put as much info as you do in one video, which was one of the things I was very impressed with, so maybe it's a mistake as I had said. Not that one one subscription matters but for now I will continue watching. Please be careful to give more details when quoting statistics, it's irresponsible not to.

  3. What? No conclusion? All that damaged done to my health from the suspense of waiting for this video after watching the previous cliff-hanger had been for nothing??? Nooooooo!!!

  4. The reason the vitamin C has an impact on defeating cancer is probably because vitamin C is a very powerful supplement for lowering stress. Vitamin C is known to lower the stress hormone Cortisol and stress plays a major role in cancer for several reasons. That would also explain why the studies are inconsistent. Even if you take high doses of Vitamin C you can still have high Cortisol leaves, especially if you are not doing anything else to control the stress or you had childhood trauma. Vitamin C is amazing for you immune system and stress. If anything, it's great for preventing cancer. In addition to many other lifestyle changes, it's not a miracle supplement.

  5. Great video. Lets us known not to be fooled by people pushing intra. Vit C as a cure. There seems to be a plethora of lies on the net regarding vit c and cancer.

  6. We've waited a week to have this cliffhanger resolved and that was it? Inconclusive? Dr Greger, it's just as well you weren't a scriptwriter for Dallas because if you had been, I doubt the reboot would have made it passed for first series.

  7. This was useful primarily for putting to bed the irrational idea that conventional toxic cancer protocols are effective and getting more effective. As is always the case, money talks. Thanks for posting.

  8. Fair enough review. One obvious question of research is, how much vitamin C is actually entering the veins? So called vitamin C is relatively unstable, especially in water, heated and in oxygen atmosphere. ??

  9. What about Vitamin C and Atherosclerosis? I read a book once by Dr. Rath, he and Pauling thought that Atherosclerosis is just some lesser kind of scurvy and therefore could be prevented with high Vitamin C intake. Lipoprotein(a) is also an issue, they say. I mean goats produce up to 150 grams of it when stressed … must be of high importance for us animals.

  10. The modern medicine is full of quacks that only want your money, same goes with the food idustry. They don't want you healthy, they want you to >buy< their poison food. Then when you ill you can go to their colleagues that sell you the 'cure', that actually treats only the symptoms. Alternative Food(nature), Alternative Medicine(nature) & Alternative Media(open minded) FTW!

  11. Here is a case of a doctor that needs to stick to subjects that he has some reasonable idea of what he is talking about! I think I will stick with Dr. Thomas Levy and his multitudinous videos when it comes to gathering information on Vitamin C.

  12. Why are they not using alpha lipoiic acid since it lowers the ascorbic acid blood plasma concentration you need to achieve? There's also the problem of using just one approach. If the battle against cancer is to be won, one needs synergy.

  13. My niece had Stage IV Cancer and she healed taking Vitamin C orally. But she did it with lyposomal encapsulation which is different than pills or powders because it reaches the cells faster and more efficiently. The doctors at the hospital were shocked that she got better but they don't know that she was taking Vitamin C.

  14. Why is everyone hating on Dr Greger for dragging out these videos? This is a free source of quality information with videos spanning back for years on almost every topic imaginable.

  15. The popular New Zealand patient needed a lawyer in order to get the professionally qualified doctors in a officially recognized hospital to even run a course of IV vit C for just a few days, but the family members continued the vit C treatment, which did save the patient and was cured from the deadly swing flu infection. The doctors treating the patient advice the family to allow ceasing life support to the patient, since they had exhausted all possible avenue of treatment in the hospital. How can the mainstream establishment going to find out if it is going to work, without even trying? The number of successful cases of recovery from vit C treatment was too small to prove vit C actually works, is a assumption not based on fact but outright ignorant. Since they don't make money from it they don't support it where are you going to get the data of successful treatment? Since such a treatment is not even considered nor practice.

    If you not looking so you don't see. If hospital doctors who failed to save a life under his care was subject to some kind of punishment, position downgrade, he will not depend on those drugs that make money but those drug that save life.

    The whole medical industry is in complete denial of alternative treatment, as it is challenging the officially approved and acknowledged medicine and treatment, which afterall failed to save the dying patient, but instead saved by alternative treatment advised by unprofessional family members' with afford anyone could render during a matter of life and death situation. Professional doctors rather maintain their position and their games that no studies supporting such a simple treatment like high dose of vit C. Who's so stupid to perform such studies, knowing that it is a supplement that cost penny?

    When a alternative physician managed to treat a illness and save life, thus gaining popularity, the FDA and the whole medical industry will go all out to put them out of business. Do you think you will know of anything regarding a cure from alternative treatment? Your naiveness & ignorant is a blessing in disguise for alternative drugs and treatment. If it works nothing can change that fact, studies, approval and certification are games played by professional to professionally denying what might one day save their life. Stupidity of such professional level, not my concern actually. No wonder they all buy the idea that they were evolved from ape?

  16. why rely on vit C alone. cancer can be fought on many fronts. first start alkalizing your diet with LESS acidic foods and more fruit, veggies, salads, greens, and nuts in moderation. Avoid highly refined foods like unsaturated vegetable oils, sugar, HFCs, margarine, refined flours. try to reduce stress in your life which has an acidic effect on the body, knocking out antioxidants.

    everyone is on the lookout for a quick fix. but cancer along with most of our chronic diseases require lifestyle changes and a massively improved dietary regimen as humans have reached the pits as far as eating habits go

  17. Dude, the title of some of the studies says they used "ascorbic acid". AA is NOT a whole vitamin C. There are studies that show AA causes damage and hardens arteries. The studies need to be done with whole, food-based vitamin C. This report is meaningless.

  18. oh my Gregor- I hope this series encourages further research.
    By intravenous do you mean to take the dose with a drip or do you use an intramuscular injection?

  19. Most of the research that is shown here looks at rather low doses of ascorbate. 10G per day is not much. Even 1.5G per kg is not that much. Most people that are in this "business" are talking about 2G per kg or more and not every day. There is more research that has to be done I think. Anyway nice try.

  20. Dr Greger should consider that Mark Levine of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidneys stated that he felt that vitamin C had to seep out of the blood to cure
    cancer. I agree that vitamin C has to leave the circulating blood and go into the cancer cells
    where hydrogen peroxide damages those cells. check out my video "Curing Cancer through
    Vitamin C -Arthur Flournoy " for a full explanation

  21. Look up the Riordan clinic on youtube theye are the experts. VITAMIN C therapy should not be your sole treatment! DIET and exercise should also be maintained

  22. High doses of intravenous vitamin c along with cutting out sugar completely will drastically increase chance of survival. I urge everyone to research what I'm saying and to not take it at face value. Investigation of course is how I came to this conclusion myself.

  23. hi! some academicians reported that journals and studies some are
    accused of being dishonest because of their tight associations with
    pharmaceutical companies. What is your view on that?

  24. This foot-dragging by establishment medicine has gone too far. It's dopey to wait until people are terminal before even attempting some sort of Vitamin C intervention. Megadose IV Vitamin C must be put to bed one way or the other. Miracle cure or inert substance, we need to know. A widespread controlled study such as this needed:

    Intravenous Vitamin C is demonstrated to be non-toxic at alleged theraputic doses. An entire hospital replaces its bags of normal saline for injection with bags of equimolar (154mmol Na+) Sodium Ascorbate/Sodium Chloride blend. Each bag contains either 15g (50% substitution), 7.5g (25%), 3g (10%) or 0g (0%, control) of Sodium Ascorbate replacing the molar equivalent amount of Sodium Chloride. Not even the pharmacist knows. Any patient for whom ascorbate vs chloride is specifically contraindicated (would there be any?) is dispensed NaCl bag instead of a study bag. Every time any patient needs a bag the pharmacy computer issues the randomized serial number of the bag to be dispensed so each patient stays on the same protocol for the duration of their visit.

    The goal of the study isn't something extraordinary like whether IV Vitamin C cures terminal cancer, it is simply to assess whether IV Vitamin C causes any statistically detectable difference in outcome for any ailment at all, from pneumonia to gunshot wound to heat exhaustion to sepsis to brain-eating amoeba.

  25. What I’d like to know is who funded this studies and trials about vitamin C not being successful to cure cancer? Pharma industries maybe? Vitamins can’t be patented after all… remember?

  26. Dr. Levy uses Vit C all the time and shows studies that Vit C must be used in very high doses 50Gms per day. When the conventional doctors use it they are not using the correct dosing required !

  27. How about using all nature's power at the same time intead of shitty chemo? you use IV Vit C, eat a whole food plant based diet with lots of broccoli sprouts, walnuts, garlic, turmeric etc, etc along with suplements to detox your body like chlorella, aminoacids like L carnosine, L cysteine, oregano oil, etc, etc. that should be thought in medical school and not how to prescribe lots of useless toxins. Stupid doctors

  28. What are the studies methodology leaded for those 1600 patients ?
    The question is why we did not initiate serious studies for this molecule ???
    Others specialists, new studies, clinics staffs tell us that it works.
    Where is the truth …

  29. No . . . we don't need more "clinical trials." What we need to do is simply make high dose, IV administered vitamin C a STANDARD adjuvant therapy for ALL cancer patients. It is cheap and it is virtually 100% safe to do, and is reported in almost all of the literature to AT LEAST improve the quality of life for terminal cancer patients. There is NO downside risk . . . NONE!

    If this was done for a few years, we would KNOW, with CERTAINTY, if vitamin C therapy works against cancer or not. Simple as pie.

    The fact that this will NOT be done  . . . I am sorry to say . . . is ALL about the dollars. The FDA could set this up with the stroke of a pen – there would be NO public pushback on something so natural and inoffensive . . . but they will not.

    Given this scenario . .  how can ANYONE be "surprised" at the publics disdain for and mistrust of . . .  "Big Pharma" and the Big Government they are in bed with.

  30. What you need is to say what you mean and mean what you say… Two videos he didn’t say anything but “ we don’t know…” which means he’s probably working for big Pharma and he’s just another liar

  31. Dr. Gregor is an allopathic physician. The Riordan Clinic has successfully treated tens of thousands of patients with high dose IV C.

  32. I believe they only gave 10 grams of Vitamin C daily orally in the research- instead of giving 50-100 Grams of it in an I.V. daily as recommended for cancer treatment. That is a big difference. There are no reported side effects of Vitamin C given in large quantities.
    It's also cheap.

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