Trattare l'ADHD senza stimolanti

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DESCRIZIONE: L'esercizio si è dimostrato efficace nel controllare i sintomi del deficit di attenzione e del disturbo da iperattività e comporta solo effetti collaterali positivi.

Altri benefici dell'esercizio includono un rafforzamento delle difese contro il cancro (esercizio e cancro al seno, e è la dieta, l'esercizio o entrambi?,, un miglioramento della cognizione (Reversing Cognitive Decline, e una vita più lunga (cosa dovrebbero mangiare le donne per vivere Più a lungo, .<br/> Questo mi ricorda altre soluzioni sicure, naturali e senza effetti collaterali ioni come i gargarismi dell'acqua del rubinetto per prevenire il comune raffreddore (Can Gargling Prevent the Common Cold?, the-common-cold/) e acqua potabile per migliorare il rendimento scolastico dei bambini (Does a Drink of Water Make Childrener Smarter?, Il fatto che siano a costo zero è sia un vantaggio (sono gratuiti!) che uno svantaggio (nessun budget aziendale che guida la loro promozione, quindi non abbiamo mai sentito parlare di questo tipo di ricerca). Se solo le aziende riuscissero a trovare un modo per infilare l'esercizio in un flacone di pillole per i loro azionisti…

Fai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video ? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: ADHD CENTER tramite flickr e Editor380 tramite Wikimedia.
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47 Risposte a “Trattare l'ADHD senza stimolanti”

  1. Not 100% "realistic". I struggle w/ ADD as an adult (without hyperactivity) & have a sis w/severe ADHD at 9 (her son later, told the same thing by school & not allowed to return to class w/out meds)…Stimulants work & your info is right. ~ I'm the only 1 out of us that exercises.. Unwanted side effects: Pains, soreness, lethargy, shorter productive daily hrs; expense of new shoes every 4 mos :P. I even work at a gym bc it's helped & proven life changing; however, saying 0 side effects is WRONG.

  2. yeah, so excercising 3-4x times a day treats my adhd well xD when i train as hard as possible I feel so damn clear, calm and self-fulfilled but yeah it lasts like an hour and ur body needs at least 1 day off… BUT ur body adopts, so u can train more and moe after time 🙂

  3. I get the shoes and the hours, but I personally have more overall energy when consistently working out. The soreness and pains were something I only experienced when my fitness levels were lower than they should have been.

  4. And depending on the exercise, a higher chance for injury. Crossfit is probably the worst in this regard. As cool as the concept is, the social aspect causes crossfitters to try to compete with each other, pushing their limits, not paying attention to form and then SNAP. The worst part is the way they were the injury as a badge of honor. Crossfit is the exercise equivalent of Hard S&M.

  5. i have ADD and and im an athlete i exercise everyday.. but i stil take medication… im not sure what else i can do what really works… its hard to figure out what to do for yourself… i suffer no side effects that i can tell one day i hope to never takes these pills but for now to live normally i only can resort to these pills.. so far i fuction normally on these pills when taken properly with a proper diet and exercise one a day in the morning

  6. So are you really suggesting that once every hour and a half I stop whatever I am doing (like working, driving, or going to school or sitting on an airplane) excuse myself, change into my gym clothes, do 30 – 60 minutes of acute and chronic physical activity, then shower, get dressed again and be ready to do it all over again in another 1 – 1 1/2 hours?? Is that a serious recommendation from a doctor? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!

  7. Ha. I hear ya Grant…Actually, it's the kids with severe ADHD who can't focus to do productive exercise are the ones that this study really gives irrelevant information to. I can do the exercise at my age and benefit from, but his point does mention that it's short lived in benefits. Unfortunately, the vid falls flat in being "realistic".

  8. goodevening,sorry but i work all day and i really need to concentratie i can not leave every 90 minutes …baaaaaiiii i have to go and excercise…sorry,i am not pro medication but lets stay real…

  9. While your comment makes a lot of sense and has truth to it…their creativity wasn't focused enough without the ritalin, so their natural creativity is hampered because it's not very focused anyway…However, another thing to think about is the dosage may be too strong. ~ My sis was forced to be medicated as a child, and we panicked prematurely when we saw her change drastically into a zombie. Later, took her off meds. She ended up a high school drop out. The meds help…they're only a tool tho

  10. As someone with ADD, its the most effective non stimulant route ive found. screw your gym clothes and shower, get up, do some pushups, squats, go on a quick job, then get back to your homework, who cares if youre sweaty?

  11. I know all about the benefits of exercising and agree with ya. My motto or chant if "energy burns energy"…which is what you are referring to. When I don't exercise I get lazier and lazier, when I do exercise, I have more energy. Again, there's tons of benefits to working out…but after 8+ yrs of doing this, I don't just workout I RUN. Running causes injuries. So i'm merely pointing out, the side effects of exercise, to say there are ZERO, is, well, not 100% being honest here…

  12. Jack Russels need: rules, boundaries & limitations…as well as daily exercise :P. I love Cesar Millan, but that's a whole 'nother topic. ~ LOL. There's actually a pretty scary episode done with them on his show (it's on YT), where one was raised a 'hunter'….(one of the few shows that doesn't end well).

  13. Wow. Maybe you could start with a 1/2 hour walk in the morning after breakfast but before your shower. Maybe 15 min. light calisthenics while you eat your lunch. Most people would not need to shower but maybe you have powerful sweat, just sayin'. Dr. Greger actually has a computer set up so he can work while he walks on his treadmill at the same time. Go for a walk and start thinking outside the box.

  14. I should have said kids in the early grade school level, 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade. Kids at that age are still trying to develop a personality.

  15. I should have said kids in the early grade school level, 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade. Kids at that age are still trying to develop a personality.

  16. I was raised on a farm and worked in the fields every day…but now I don't. So what is your point and how does your comment make this a valid approach for kids in school or the bulk of adults on the planet who don't work in fields? I am glad you got the sarcasm…it was intended!

  17. I walk for an hour every morning at 4:45 am and do a workout at 5 pm. My comment was based on this doctors statement that exercise can counter the effects of ADHD with only healthy side effects. Yet he says the positive effects of an "acute and chronic" physical activity (his words) only last 60 – 90 minutes so my interpretation is that you would have to work out every 60 – 90 minutes to sustain this benefit. What is your definition of an acute and chronic physical activity?

  18. I always kind of love the phrase …
    0:27 — "the drugs are thought to act …."
    implies a bit between the lines they have no idea what these drugs are doing at all.
    How did this way of doing business develop in the medical industry and how does the public really know is going on with these drugs and patients?

  19. "Exercise does have side effects, but they're all good."

    Did you hear that Jim Fixx?
    Did you hear that Isaac Hayes?
    Did you hear that John Hughes?

    Physical activity has a cost and should be meaningful, not another refined supplement.

  20. Since my son is on a glutenfree, sugarfree and milkfree diet, he was in no time without ritalin. I am so thankful for that. Now he could learn to trust his own body.

  21. Does it make sense to prescribe a stimulant to someone who is already hyperactive? Maybe I'm just one of those stupid common sense people? Next I think the words common sense will probably be removed from the dictionary & ban from school curriculum.   

  22. Had Add my whole life and yes exercise does help minimize some aspects of it and helps with circulation in the brain etc, but make no mistake about it exercise is not a replacement for Adderall or other meds. Sorry but many people also have fatigue which means that they cannot physically exert themselves either so pretty much it's almost impossible on (work, school days) or when focusing on important tasks are needed which is depressing and downright impossible to accomplish for any duration. These so called experts or doctors are just babbling fools reading from textbooks and don't have first hand knowledge living with Adhd so they are not the authority on what works and what can replace your medication. Everyone handles or copes differently but mostly for me and other adhd sufferers I would say sun, ocean, outdoors in general helps out a lot and working out but this gets harder to do as one ages. Medication can never completely be replaced as long as we live in this fast pace left brain dominated world of fast thinking and logic minded individuals where you are on the clock so to speak. Off the clock or a world without time and being one with nature is the only remedy for adhd ers

  23. I had ratline once as part of therapy, but it didn't do anything.

    Now, as far as exercise is concerned, IF it comes with BACON I can get with it.  No BACON, no exercise, but than you anyway.

  24. Certified ADHD as adult. Exercise is everything.  I "took some time off" whilst in the throes of new-dating last year (brain flooded by other means eh)  and eventually wound up in a state of depression.  Ride Forrest Ride!!!  The only benefit i've found to time off the bike (not riding) is that it takes less time to get a "good" workout when you return.  Ride Forrest Ride! 

  25. Just wanted to point out that yes, you're right, within minutes of exercise, you will see an increase in those chemicals. Also, the effects are very short lived. It's not like I can just jump out of my desk and start doing push-ups every class hour. If humans were still hunting for their food and fighting off predators 24/7, attention deficit hyperactivity WOULDN'T be a "disorder". The world is different these days, I don't fear for something eating me. I fear that someone is going to rob me, or that I'll get in a car accident.

  26. The real answer to treatment is a combination of many things: exercise, practice, therapy, medicine, as well as working on one's will power or learning to controll your brain through meditative thought. Believe it or not, you can improve, and adapt just by practice. I'll stop ranting soon ;P … a few other major points:

    mis-diagnosing patients with anxiety or depression

    Most children have some amount of ADHD, severity changed though.

    You shouldn't depend on medicine long term.
    If you can get by without medicine, I believe you're more likely to out grow it. Just my observation with friends and family..

    Lastly, is ADHD hurting you more than helping? Sometimes it can actually be beneficial in life. I feel like ADHD people usually have a certain brilliance to them, like an advantage over everyone else. Maybe it's because they are experiencing and cognitively analyzing more actively… Just some thoughts on the topic, sorry to write so much. I hope you found my comments useful

  27. Well said Nic,
    Maybe back when dinosaurs roamed the earth everyone had Adhd by default? Lol

    If I go spearfishing or diving it's almost like taking an stimulant medication. Lol

    Unfortunately for most of us we can't do those outdoor hunting sessions everyday anymore or even have time to do them but it's true about the hunter & gatherers gene having a close resemblance. As for these mothers that say things like: (I took my child off Dairy, Gluten and sugar and he was normal after that) my message to you is that for one your child never had Adhd to begin with and secondly Adhd (hyperactivity) Is much different from those with adult ADD , or ADD in younger ones. With ADD there is not enough dopamine to pull from for instant action in organizing or even completing small tasks that require attention. Most kids are naturally high and super active so the diets the parents use on them is there own creation if it's good healthy or fast food it's all usually the parents or food they eat at schools etc…Most of these kids are not true adhd, add.

    The fact remains Adderall , dex, Ritalin work and trying to cycle them properly and use as needed can save your career or bring hope to the otherwise hopeless. I am just happy for Adderall opening my eyes to what I was really capable of doing and now I use essential oils and other methods to keep my dosage at a minimum with constant detoxification methods being used in the process.

  28. i have adhd and i cannot sit still without my medication and focus at all exercise can not be done while i am trying to study as it is a distraction and all i need is a tiny distraction and im put off my work thats what you should really be looking at is distractions PS i am on a very high dose

  29. I have add and this is great and all, and could likely help a lot of kids, but exercise alone isn't going to work for everyone, and I feel that should be noted as well or else some kids who need it might not get it

  30. There are aspects to ADHD that are not helped by exercise, like for example prioritizing daily activities, judgement, delaying instant gratification, yes exercise helps, but only medication helps your working neural connections return to that of the normal undamaged human brain. So you can then decide to stop playing video games for 13 hours straight and go for a walk. You have to have the ability to change your behavior in the first place and you cannot do that if you have ADHD.

    What Dr. Gregor doesn't seem to understand is that of all the many problems that cause harm to human beings, brain damage (ADHD) is the most significant because it causes you to act irrationally, focusing on the next instant rather than on the long term future consequences of your actions (what the good doctor tries so hard to instill in us (thank you for that), is to care about our future health, unfortunately this not something that can be learned or taught, it is something your born with or not born with; it is good Executive Functioning)

    If we all had undamaged brains, we would all be vegetarian and there wouldn't be any Global warming, because we would act now to change any threat to our future, basically ADHD makes you Future blind and the damaged memory systems stop you from pursuing goals and behavior that are in your best interest, because just like a 4 year old you cant remember whats good for you, and once you have a goal, like I'm going to stop eating meat, the thought flees your mind for more stimulating thoughts. If you have brain damage you lose the most important abilty you possess…that is the ability to "Maintain Intent" over time. (The ability to follow goal directed behavior over time)

    Dear Dr. Gregory here is a brief outline of the grief that ADHD represents:

    1. ADHD correlates very strongly to Addictions, your dopamine system seeks stimulation in the short term, and the ultimate solution for short term seeking behavior is Heroin addiction, but others include , Compulsive Eating, Gambling , Sex addition, Shopping addiction, etc,etc

    2. Criminal activity is very strongly correlated to ADHD, just the ability to not be able to keep social rules in your head, like "Do unto others as you would do unto yourself", causes acts of callousness and violence. when on Medication criminal behavior is greatly reduced. Instead of hitting the guy that accidentally bumped into you , you have enough mental resources to think how would my punching this guy help the situation, callousness strongly correlates to brain damage; you don't have enough mental work capacity to start to mirror others feelings, you literally don't have enough ability to bring "Into Mind" how would my social group react to the actions I'm about to undertake; so obliviously to all, you beat your wife, grope a coworker, and scratch, with your keys, the noisey muscle car that wakes you up every morning at 6am.

    3. Brain damage to executive functions (ADHD) causes a short circuit in the normal Flight or Fight response, causing you to overact at even the smallest stress, almost any stress causes you to be unable to access experiential memory, so thoughts on how to behave in situations or to remember past successful experiences of situations cannot be mentally accessed. you cannot think mentally at the"Point of Performance", where you need to remember what you studied, or did in the past to solve a particular issue. This causes a acute over-response of failure, you cannot tolerate frustration of any kind. Life is an ordeal, you will always be possessed of the feeling "Not Knowing!". Often this is humorous to others like when George W Bush (a very likable , famous person with a lot of power, who has undiagnosed ADHD) cannot bring to mind even the most common colloquialisms. Generally this causes you to lose jobs, and the fact you cannot control your emotions doesn't help.

    4. The focus is always on the very next instant of existence, (future blind or consequence blind), this causes you to behave irrationally. Yes, it would be hard for you to realize that starting a war in Iraq would have negative consequences, but war was the only thing George W. Bush could think about, but again the consequences were not considered.

    5. Impulsivity (Brain Damage, Adhd) insures poor financial outcomes, homelessness, destitution and heavy use of the welfare system, you see this every day in American life, with social workers and government trying to fix humans with broken brains, and nobody acknowledges that they cannot be helped because you would have to literally have to make every decision for them, as a surrogate brain to replace their defective ones, since you can't regrow brain capability, once its gone or if it was never there, it cant be helped.

    6. Inability to delay gratification (Brain Damage, Adhd) insures you'll drop out of high school or be unable to complete any activity that requires persistence. So even if you have a high IQ, you won't be able to finish your college education with a degree, wasting the taxpayers money.

    7. ADHD correlates to resisting cognitive mental work which means basically you are lazy to all who view you. But lets understand the conservation of mental energy is just a way for your brain to save you and keep you alive, its an evolutionary adaption to overcoming hardship. Hardship (stress) is probably why you got the brain damage in the first place, stress faced by your mother or grandmother, literally imprinting on your genes. It is literally much much harder for you to act (physically or mentally) in the world than undamaged people. And it runs down your genetic lineage for generations. So poor functioning humans give rise to other poor functioning humans.

    8. Many other mental disorders are a result of Executive brain damage, everyone who has it will either develop depression, or anxiety disorders later in life, as they constantly fail at everything they undertake or cannot understand the outcomes of their actions.

    Yeah , I could go on for a dozen pages….it is a HUMAN CALAMITY, also its a spectrum disorder, as those humans that are born with the least brain damage, will be the humans that can best control their own behaviors in order to reach a goal, see "The Marshmallow Test". If we were all on the high side of Executive Functioning Spectrum, like you Dr Gregor, everybody on earth would be able to consciously control their own destiny. Sadly, most people don't understand that this is not the case… instead we talk about Morality , Character, Resilience and Intelligence……these are terms for imbeciles, a talking ape is just a talking ape; a brain damaged talking ape is a brain damaged talking ape. there is no need for the unkindness we heave on others for their undeserved flaws.

    So to sum up, If we can stop this grief from taking place, that is preventing brain damage in the unborn…human suffering will end

    If you would like to learn more about ADHD and its many aspects please look up and view the YouTube videos by Dr Russell Barkley, probably the best source I have found on the matter.

    Anyways, Thank-you for all your work !

  31. Seriously? My son is very active and it does nothing for his ADHD. When my son is failing in school what should he do, go run around the classroom? What about when he has a meltdown? Smh

  32. Intense exercise is a mildly effective for treatment of ADHD, but the science says the benefits last about 45 minutes, so how can I exercise all day …that's an unrealistic form of treatment. Not to mention at that intensity I would destroy my joints in the process!

  33. I've done years of intense physical training, plant-based eating, liberal hydration, meditation, plenty of sleep, and self-discipline, but that only got me so far. I can run an ultramarathon, but I can't read a book or sit still. Medications get a bad rap, but they are ABSOLUTELY necessary in many cases. Some people might be able to get their brain working right with lifestyle modifications, but they're generally on the milder end of ADHD. I just see SO MUCH public hysteria around Adderall and Ritalin, but the reality is that they're extremely safe and effective when used properly. My only regret about medication is not starting sooner, who knows what my life would be if I could actually understand what people were saying to me?

  34. This doesnt address the serotonin aspects of ADHD. Yes it may temporarily address dopamine levels but for how long and it still doesnt help with serotonin.

  35. Maybe exercise decreases the need for medication, but the dosage would only decrease since exercise doesn't increase focus on long term tasks like studying.

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