Trattare l'asma e l'eczema con diete a base vegetale

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DESCRIZIONE: Studi pilota sul trattamento dell'eczema allergico e dell'asma grave con interventi dietetici hanno mostrato risultati notevoli.
Se vi siete persi i primi tre video di questa serie in 4 parti ecco i link:
• Prevenire Asma con frutta e verdura (<br/> • Trattare l'asma con frutta e verdura ( )
• Trattare l'asma con piante e integratori? (

Maggiori informazioni su eczema e dieta possono essere trovate nei miei video:
• Prevenzione delle allergie infantili (
• Prevenire le allergie nell'età adulta (
• Alchilfenoli perturbatori endocrini e allergie (
• Fonti alimentari di interferenti endocrini alchilfenoli ( -fonti-di-alchilfenolo-interferenti-endocrini/)

Ci sono una serie di altre condizioni vegetali- le diete basate si sono rivelate efficaci nel trattamento di:
• Trattamento della sclerosi multipla con la dieta Swank MS (
http ://n
• Trattamento dietetico del morbo di Crohn (
• Cavità e coronarie: la nostra scelta ( coronarie-scelta-a-scelta/)
• Inversione del cancro attraverso la dieta? (
• Trattamento dietetico per periodi mestruali dolorosi ( trattamento-dietetico-per-mestruazioni-dolorose/)
• Approccio nutriente al controllo del peso (
• Diete a base vegetale per il dolore al seno ( -diete-basate-per-il-dolore-al-seno/)
• Trattamento del morbo di Parkinson con la dieta (
• Fibromialgia vs Diete Vegetariane e Vegane Crude ( -vs-vegetarian-raw-vegan-diets/)
• Prostata contro una dieta a base vegetale (

Avere un domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -eczema-con-diete-vegetali/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Image Credito: Niels_Olson via Flickr.
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48 Risposte a “Trattare l'asma e l'eczema con diete a base vegetale”

  1. I switched my grandson to a vegetarian diet and his asthma and eczema improved dramatically. Thank you your videos have helped improve my health a lot.

  2. The results could have been had to the simply change in diet, rather than a vegetarian diet.  I am pretty much a vegetarian for the past decade and I still get eczema mainly due to acids.  The acids that are most affective are lemons, pineapple, and any vinegars. I'm perfectly ok with limes and most varieties of oranges.

  3. I was a vegan for a while, and all illnesses regarding inflammation, and allergens were considerably worse. 
    The more glucose I consumed in regards of fruit, rice, grains, legumes, even in some veggies.. I became worse.
    I went on a high fat low carb diet (essentially low glucose) and reversed all this.

  4. My eczema is gone since I am on whole food vegan diet (raw as well). Had asthma too, but was not medicated (personal choice, just managed with wheezing and choking from time to time). Now no symptoms either =)

  5. Hi there, have you considered Noboremed Secrets yet? Just do a google search engine search. On there you will discover a great guidelines about how exactly you can cures your skin problem naturally. Why not give it a shot? perhaps it's going to work for you too

  6. Anyone know what is Noboremed Secrets about? I hear many people cure their skin disease naturally with Noboremed Secrets (just search it on google).

  7. I was vegetarian for 5 years and my eczema flared up on and off. Went back to the standard diet with all animal products and my eczema almost went away. Now I have gone vegan my eczema is worse than ever. I cut out gluten and soy last week hoping it may help but my hand is extremely painful. Feeling very frustrated with this. A vegan diet is so good for you but why is my eczema hating it so much? Please help. I don't ever want to eat animal products again. I can hardly use my right hand from the pain of the eczema and I am right handed. Why is this happening? My doctor is against vegan eating and just gives me prescription creams for it.

  8. I uncovered this eczema guide “Jαmzοzο Kuz” (Google it) two winters ago when I was encountering a particularly bad eczema outbreak on my wrists and hands. My hands were enduring dryness, itchiness, and redness. This is an effective guide. I am just pleased that I do not have to strap ice packs to my hands anymore. I`d say give it a shot.

  9. I cured my eczema with plant-based diet. My eczema used to get worse in winter, and this year It was the first time I hadn't got any symptoms! I'm vegan for 1 year and so many things has improved. My skin is in better condition too. I almost got rid of my acne 🙂

  10. 2 winters ago, I got eczema on my wrists and hands and later found this eczema guide “Jαmzοzο Kuz” (Google it). My hands were red, scratchy, dry. This guide is good. I am just pleased that I don`t need to strap ice packs to my hands any more. I would say try it out.

  11. The eczema guide “Jαmzοzο Kuz” (Google it) is really awesome as well as genuinely a life-saver. The itching and burning feeling caused by my eczema had ended quickly after utilizing it. I also make sure that the eczema won`t return by applying the guide on a regular basis.

  12. The area under my eye had an annoying rash. I later discovered that I was experiencing eyelid eczema. I observed that the illness has slightly faded the following day right after trying this eczema guide “Jαmzοzο Kuz” *Google it). I am happy to report, it continued to improve and after Fourteen days of use, I really feel quite confident that it is quite recovered.

  13. Two winters ago, I got eczema on my hands and wrists and later discovered this eczema guide “Jαmzοzο Kuz” (Google it). My hands were experiencing dry skin, scratching, and also inflammation. This is an effective guide. I`m just pleased that I do not have to strap ice packs to my hands any more. I recommend it.

  14. I have severe asthma and changed to a plant based diet 10 days ago. I got a bad cold and as usual it went to my lungs and the asthma got bad. Normally i'd be in for 2 weeks recovery on steroids. 2 days and i'm considering heading out for a run tonight. Seem to have recovered without taking any drugs. I never started this diet for my asthma to be honest. i was lacking energy on my runs and my brother suggested giving this diet a try. I immediately noticed a lot more energy running, i'm talking about 3 days in but then i got sick with a bug going around…lots of people i know on antibiotics trying to recover. I was thinking the same…but this diet seems to help the body fight infection like never before…it seems determined to stay healthy and i'm not going to complain about that..

  15. When I was a child, I used to suffer from terrible eczema, asthma and hay fever. Honestly the worst symptoms ever. My entire back, arms, shoulders, hands, fingers you name it on the upper body were covered in eczema, itch and I felt disgusting.
    2.5 years ago I was done with it and I started looking up things that might help, I stumbled unto veganism.

    To be fair: I am not a person that notices drastic changes in the body, due to not being consious enough, BUT I can say that after being vegan for 2.5 years. One week of not being able to eat fully vegan due to not being home, has been bringing back the itches and heavy breathing. I'm now home again, fully vegan and I do think I can say that veganism has helped me much more than the steroids have ever could.

  16. I've had asthma since I was very young, and problems with dust allergies. These just kept getting worse until I was 30, the symptoms were going up and I kept having to increase medicine and add new ones. It was getting difficult. Then I started eating vegan food, absolutely no expectations it would do anything to this, but after a while I realised my dust allergy had reduced a lot. My asthma greatly improved too, although that took longer. Currently approaching two years of being vegan and I'm still taking medicine for allergies and asthma, but pretty low doses, less types, and haven't had an asthma attack for a long time. I don't know if I'm going to get fully off the medicine, might have levelled out at this point and got what I'm going to get out of this, but it's been a huge improvement in this time and I'm happy.

    Day to day I'm feeling healthy, I'm not worried about it getting worse and I'm taking low doses of medicine that are less likely to cause side effects. I suspect my asthma is just something I have and won't ever entirely remove, but I think I also have a milk allergy that was making it a lot worse – the milk allergy symptoms on the NHS website certainly match what was happening to me, and times I've accidentally eaten things with milk in I've been sneezing and getting short of breath.

  17. Thanks for the Video clip! Forgive me for the intrusion, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you thought about – Franaar Alive Skin Formula (do a search on google)? It is an awesome exclusive guide for beating eczema minus the hard work. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my old buddy Taylor got great results with it.

  18. so I'm allergic to a ton of fruits and vegetables. which actually cause my asthma… can you help explained to me why these plants would cause my asthma rather than help?

  19. The vegan diet alone isn't enough because there are vegan foods that are still mucous forming. Wheat and bread might need to be removed. A chicken salad without oil or dressing would probably pass whereas a vegan peanut butter sandwich will trigger it. I know this because things like nuts still got me congested more than meats. But Dairy must be avoided at all cost and oily foods. I bet if they started eating everything boiled it would go away. Congestion is the cause. My head and sinus was very congested and that all went away after switching to only steamed or boiled whole foods and I cut out dairy, bread, and wheat completely. If I eat meat it has to be baked with salt and pepper and NO OIL lol. Plus if I eat eggs it has to be boiled. But the vegans with congestion issues should really avoid all foods that congest. I know I just wrote a speech but I hope this comment helps some people because I'm sure I know what the problem is.

  20. Unbelievable. I was following your plant based diet mr Greger and i got myself some severe astma attacks. I found out that i was allergic to walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts. So my daily serving of nuts wasn't a succes. Now i have been eating nuts that don't have cross-allergies with walnuts and i am doing quite decently within days!

  21. Hi Dr. Greger. My friend is an ex nurse, here she is talking about how sick I was when she met me with Asthma. And I was overweight. I give you a mention too in the video: My question is. Are there any Plant Based Lawyers/Solicitors? We have spent so much money and time healing ourselves from illness. I believe we have a God Given Right to say no to Forced Vaccines. I am in better LUNG health now at 54 years old than ever before in my life. So why would I want to risk having a vaccine. Especially, as the Flu Vaccine gave me Flu and bad Asthma in my 30s. If I was in my 70-80s I would have died from the Flu Vaccine for sure.
    Diet is key. But the UK sponsors McDonalds instead of British Organic Farmers. Things need to change!

  22. My family is so brainwashed by big meat and dairy they refuse to believe my rash vanished from diet. They insist I just stopped itching

  23. I've had high hopes but after about a month of doing this diet very strictly I have to say my Asthma didn't improve at all and my eczema definitely got much worse. 🙁 Any suggestions?

  24. HPV is one terrible and embarrassing virus, I was actually having that disease till I met Dr Ben Uda, seriously I didn't believe he would be able to cure me from the virus cause it was already serious. To my greatest surprise I took the herbal medicine he gave me as prescribed for quite sometime and the sore was all getting dried up and healing so I went to get myself tested of HPV, behold I was finally healed and free from HPV and all thanks to Dr Ben Uda on YouTube I suggest if you still have the virus just contact him on his channel.

  25. I always have a positive taught towards dr oiwoh on YouTube herbal remedies and it worked for me I conquered asthma at last all thanks to you doc.

  26. I always have a positive taught towards dr oiwoh on YouTube herbal remedies and it worked for me I conquered asthma at last all thanks to you doc..

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