Un altro aggiornamento sulla Spirulina

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DESCRIZIONE: La potenziale neurotossicità è un'altra preoccupazione per quanto riguarda gli integratori di spirulina. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/best-cooking-method/ e cercherò di rispondere Esso! Per un po' di contesto, dai un'occhiata anche ai miei post di blog associati Cellule staminali del cancro al seno vs. Broccoli ( http://nutritionfacts.org/580/04/19/breast-cancer-stem-cells-vs-broccoli/) e The Best Foods: Test Your Nutrition Knowledge (http://nutritionfacts.org/580/11/04/il-miglior-cibo-test- la tua-conoscenza-nutrizione/)

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100 Risposte a “Un altro aggiornamento sulla Spirulina”

  1. Have been taking it for almost 2 years and my health has only gotten better. I suffer from one disease and it made my health deteriorate pretty badly. By switching to organic foods and taking supplements its been smooth sailing so far.

    Would love to see more information about this. All the other people that I know take spirulina haven't had health issues and their health has only gotten better. But who knows? We definitely need more in depth extensive information just in case.

  2. I'm a fruitarian actually and I understand that the bees need to be left alone.
    By the way, the doctor didn't say any such thing that raw fruits and veggies are bad for you. What's the matter, you sound agitated? Peace

  3. Isn't that interesting…one of the most popular "health" websites is promoting spirulina as a "cure all" and a potential safe world food source…"Imagine a plant that can nourish your body by providing most of the protein you need to live, help prevent the annoying sniffling and sneezing of allergies, reinforce your immune system, help you control high blood pressure and cholesterol and help protect you from cancer.Does such a “super food” exist?
    Yes. It’s called spirulina."
    We need truth!

  4. Does this mean that dandilions are also toxic? I have read that they are nutrient rich and we should be eating them rather than using Roundup on our lawns to get rid of them. What about clover and other edible weeds? Which ones are safe and which are not?

  5. 'cmon mann, Now everything is toxic. Oxalates in my spinach, phytates in my legumes, goitregens in my broccolli,The list goes on and on and on and on and on. Spirulina is a superfood and I think I'll have 4 TBS tomorrow instead of 2 TBS. And some Vita mineral Green

  6. @sportydiver….. thank you this is the exact pattern that I've been identifying with these videos and studies. There are people at my job who tell me that juicing will mess my throat up, and that having a diet high in veggies and fruit will damage my digestive tract. I've learned to let my body and results speak for me, and regarding the "experts" I eat the meat and spit out the bones so to speak.

  7. O.K. I did some homework. NOW products buys their spirulina from Parry Nutracueticals in India.Checkout their website. They use non animal fertilizer,Organic certified with many other certifications. They test for microcystines and BMAA. If anybody knows of a better product,PLEASE let me know. Their product rep told me that the BLUE GREEN ALGAE grown in the wild has the problems. I think SPIRULINA is an AWESOME FOOD SOURCE as long as it is clean and tested. The same goes with everything else

  8. I did some homework and NOW buys theirs from Parry nutracueticals in India.Check out their website. Organic, non animal fertilizer,many certifications. They test for microcystines and BMAA. Is there a better product on the planet? Their rep told me that it is the blue green algae that is grown in open lakes that has problems from contaminates. Please let me know what you think. Thanx

  9. @naturesintended…actually he did say that veggies where bad in his own way when he demonized and said that the gerson therapy was not only ineffective but harmful , and that chemo was actually better…….I have come to the understanding that dr gregory is more or less a "mainstream" institutionalized health advocate who sides more often than not with the "establishment".

  10. I did some homework. NOW products buys spirulina from Parry nutracueticals in India. checkout their website. Organic,non animal fertilizer, many certifications. The rep told me the blue green algae that is grown in open lakes that is subjected to contamination has the problems. SPIRULINA is a spectacular food souce. It has to be done right though. I will continue to use this product. Is there a better source on the planet?

  11. I agree that NOW is a reputable company. I buy many supplements from them. but Dr. Greger is on the cutting edge of scientific nutritional information. He has access to journals and research papers that are not available to the general public, and he has a staff that gleans the latest findings from such publications. He's not in it for the money, so why would he make announcements about new research findings that are not true?

  12. Dr. Mercola, however, while offering great advice, has made his website a business….a lucrative business! Every web page begins and ends with advertizements for his products. Perhaps Dr. Mercola is not on the cutting edge of research, but rather breaking news on the spectacular. He held a long interview with Steph Seneff of M.I.T research, on the value of meat and fat in curing heart disease. I know Steph, personally….and she is wrong!

  13. See the comments I left below….I'm not used to writing comments on videos, so they are in response to my comment to myself…..Ha ha…

  14. Juicing was a creation of Jack LaLane after he lost his TV show to Jane Fonda…women related better to her, and men preferred gazing at her. The whole premise behind juicing is totally wrong, and he should have known that, but, with no income and a long history of nutrition, he had to make money somehow! Always the "bottom line" wins out…true or untrue!

  15. I tried to go to the website page in the video and it didn't work.. What I did read is 3 of 39 samples had anatoxin. So, he isn't giving us all the information. Like saying Ecoli in sprouts from the guy down the street and now don't eat sprouts. Check out the video at Parry Nutraceuticals website and you will see all of the employees lining up to get their daily comp drink. This is the best facility in the world. tell me what you think

  16. Mercola pushes WHEY PROTEIN. I don't agree with that. What is this stuff about MEAT and FAT? Sally fallon trip= nonsense. Now Mercola is pushing coconut oil because of lauric acid and ketones+=more nonsense. Watch Jeff Novick Oils to Nuts explain about fats and oils. and his website and facebook page. Watch the video at parry Nutraceuticals website>NOW buys from them. I will continue to buy from them

  17. Anything for a buck! If you check Mercola's archives, you should be able to find the interview with Steph….look under Dr. Stephanie Seneff interview….if you do find it, just listen to what she is saying! It's like Jack LaLane pushing juicers…he knew it was wrong but he needed the money…

  18. Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms: State of the Science and Research Needs Advances in Experimental Medicine and BiologyToxin mixture in cyanobacterial blooms – a critical comparison of reality with current procedures employed in human health risk assessment-Daniel R Dietrich, A Fischer, C Michel, SJ Hoeger
    For centuries mankind has used cyanobacteria as a protein source, primarily Spirulina species. (To be Continued….damn!)

  19. Unfortunately, traces of neurotoxins and protein phosphatases (inhibiting compounds) have been detected, making these health supplements a good example for human exposure to a mixture of cyanobacterial toxins in a complex matrix. Hardcover
    $239.00 ISBN 978-0-387-75864-0
    Got $239 to spare to find out for yourself?

  20. mind fvck, Ive been taking chlorella and spirulina for months now.
    Someone please recommend safe alternatives to these 'superfoods'…

  21. Algae blooms are happening all over this poisoned planet more frequently. It is natures way to get back in balance. However, the over-fishing and polluting continue. The coral reefs are still rapidly declining. If you want to go see one, you better do it now because in the future you will only see them in old movies and re-runs of jacque cousteau. Or at a fish farm (fed gmo corn) near you!!

  22. He's always promoting the benefits of a plant based diet. On his facebook picture, he's smiling in front of a load of veggies! 🙂
    Where is it that he says that? Peace 🙂

  23. And what does that prove, nothing, He like so many others are just capitalizing on the public's demand for anything but the status quo. There's a difference between simply giving veggies a nod of approval and saying that they are a good source of preventative maintenance, to promoting the same as a means to help cure many of our modern day ailments, and that is where he stops short, and in some cases speaks against.

  24. criticizing "health" industry peeps from making a buck is valid… do you also criticize the pharmaceutical industry? what about the various food industries that were using the USDA to promote their food in their recommendations even when the research showed their recommendations were flat wrong?… i think compared to what these small time people sell, is completely acceptable compared to the damage the pharmas & big food corps have done to the masses

  25. OK. I don't know what you mean though. Many of his videos are about curing ailments with a plant-based diet. I know he has spoken of vegan diets being unhealthy, but they will be when they are based on junk food. There are healthy plant based (vegan diets) though, which is what is being promoted here. Peace

  26. I don’t mind if the people in the health industry make money by offering advice. They’re not in business for nothing. But when the advice proffered by those health professionals is DEAD WRONG, you bet I criticize them! How are people supposed to know what is good for them if all they’re told is a pack of lies…in accordance with the guidelines laid out by Big Pharma, Big Agra, Big Medicine, and all the other members of the corporatocracy that run this country,and are out to scam us…totally!

  27. Read the book "Pritikin: The Man Who Healed America"s Heart". It's a great bio about a man who was NOT a certified health professinal, but a genius engineer. He discovered that he had coronary artery disease, when he was in his 40's, and doctors gave him no hope.He was determined to find an answer and a cure for atherosclosis…and he did so! Dr. Gregers videos go further into the vaalue and sucess of vegan diets. He just ought to keep reminding people to supplement with Vit. B12.

  28. point respectfully accepted … there is a company called skin deep, that tests beauty products to determine their toxicity levels, not supplements/foods (think i saw one that confirmed or denied ingredients, but not sure who) … it's interesting that some of the melaleuca (an MLM company) products are not much less toxic than other typical toxic stuff, but they claim to be so much better, i like some of their products but, was dissapointed by the skin deep findings

  29. but what if the toxins it produces in the brain are present without visible symptoms, they catch up to us later?
    Seems Chlorella Pyrenoidosa is the safer green algae.

  30. Wow, I only subscribed today and I might now unsubscribe. I'm now realising that you can't rely on anyone but yourself for information. I just read the paper cited here.Out of 39 supplements tested 2 were found to contain levels of the toxin. Guess what, Fish, and Birds were the consumers of these supplements. 3 more were found to have extremely low levels that made them difficult to detect. The rest were listed as 'None detected'. So how exactly does this make spirulina a 'toxic' food?

  31. NutritionFacts (lol at the name as it appears to be some sort of sick joke) Try reading more than the abstract before posting videos, assholes. I just listed the findings from table 1 of that article you've based your 'facts' on Now lets look at the first paragraph of the discussion

    "The most common name referred in the labels of cyanobacterial food supplements is Spirulina, which is not an anatoxin-a producer
    up to the present knowledge"

    See that line? "Which is NOT an anotoxin-a producer"

  32. If anyone can't get hold of this article (I had to go through my university server to get it for free) PM me and I'll send you a copy of the article. Further reading from the points I've already made shows that what's stated in the video couldn't be further from the truth. I really thought these guys might have read more than the abstract. Very disappointing. Looking at you, NutritonFallaciesOrg.

  33. Just take spirulina. Extremely high in B12. If you think the info is posted here is correct, read the article they've based the 'facts' (after reading it's very hard to call their assertions that) on. I've highlighted only a couple of contradictions from that very article. These guys read no more than the abstract. Reading the entire article actually shows the complete opposite of what the moron in the video claims.

  34. First off, you probably would not be aware of any of this if it were not for the videos that Dr. Greger puts up. He is not in it for the money, so why would he report information that was not true? He states that hepatotoxins have been found "for the first time". If you check the following article you can read it for yourself:Biotechnology Forums: Spirulina as a food supplement 06-27-2010 "Microcystins which is a toxin and causes liver diseases and cancer may be contained by Spirulina".

  35. Cool, I'll read it. However, it's disappointing that he's obviously NOT read the article that he has cited. Funny, there was also a reference to a Canadian study that tested 88 samples of spirilina that also found no toxins in the paper he cited. My beef is that he's citing an article he clearly hasn't read. The article cited states that Spirulina DOES NOT contain this toxin. Although, reading the abstract you wouldn't know this. People come here for info at least read the articles first.

  36. Actually, do you have a source other than a forum to substatiate your claims. I'm not saying you're incorrect, however, simply going off information posted in forums is, well, just dumb. It's like treating what you read in the youtube comments as facts. I've read a couple more studies in the last 24h and all seem to suggest NO toxins in spirulina. Show me a peer reviewed scientific paper that says otherwise, please.

  37. I tell you what…if you are so adamently against the research the Dr. Greger cites, why don't you become a guinea pig…go ahead and eat it. If you don't end up with kidney disease, then fine, you'll be nice and healthy. If you do end up with kidney disease, you can come back to this video and say that you have proof that this research is correct!

  38. I'm not against his research, but I am against his lack of research. He's just made a statement as to why spirulia is bad for you. He based that on an articles findings that actually state the opposite. Further, the article cited other studies one of which tested 88 samples that also found ZERO toxins. If he's running a website giving info, then I'd like to think they've actually read the info. Maybe that's a bit much for your little brain to comprehend, but whatever.

  39. "We suspect that people taking spirulina as a source of vitamin B-12 may get vitamin B-12 deficiency quicker because the analogues in the product block human mammalian cell metabolism in culture [i.e., in the lab] and we suspect that they will also do this in the living human." – Victor Herbert

  40. Spirulina keeps the immune system artificially and acutely on-call. It may be good for a temporary boost in immunity, but as a daily food, it increases inflammation and the risk of developing auto-immune disorders.

  41. The point you raise is the reason why it is grown & harvested at a pH over 10 (between 10-11). This is part of the quality control that commercial producers and small-scale producers employ to ensure spirulina's quality for consumers. If it's not at the right pH, it simply doesn't get harvested. The liver toxins you're speaking of are called microcystins, which are peptides produced microcystis, not by spirulina. Microcystis are unable to survive at such a high alkaline level between 10-11

  42. I wouldn't trust these guys as far as I can piss. Man is finally begining to eliminate the middle man. Doctors,Pastors and the likes. Man when harmonized with his environment has the capacity  to nourish and restore himself  into good health. The problem is they want you on pills. As far as the mentioning of pastors….same difference, middle man. So this is for these guys and this is for the horse they rode in on. What we should be throwing away is the garbage these self appointed farmers of human stock feed us every chance they get. Hey doc..ask the medical community to help you grow hair; you geniouses who clain to be able to replace the creator ought to be able to figure out  at least that much….. right???

  43. Another update: THis video is lunacy, made by someone who didnt even read the study they quote, but then proceed to demonize an amazing plant. I cringe at the thought that 30k people have subscribed to this quack.

  44. you are doing so much harm with your ridiculous so-called information.  I hope and pray that no one – and I mean NO ONE is listening to you.

  45. I've just finished reading through the articles from which your conclusions are drawn (from the first 2 algae and Spirulina videos as well) and i gotta say, none of the papers suggest that Spirulina is bad for health, in fact they all suggest Spirulina is good (blood pressure, cholesterol, immune system, helping toxicity within the liver etc) for health. The issues arising with Spirulina from these papers is more an issue of quality control and contamination or lack of transparency and misinformation by where a different (toxin producing) cyanobacteria make it into the product. Kind of like if i buy 40 different chickens for example from 40 different stores and 1 of them has uncooked flesh. Should i tell everyone to avoid eating chickens or make sure the flesh gets cooked properly? Same can be said about the cultivating and processing of Spirulina. The literature you present demonstrates nothing but positives about Spirulina. If anyone wants me to clarify any of these statements i would be glad to, alternatively you can gain access to the articles presented in these videos and read them for yourself. I do not agree with the conclusions presented in the video.

  46. Thank you Dr. I was about to buy: Starwest Botanicals, Spirulina Powder, Organic, 1 lb, Thank you for saving my liver, where can I send an offering?

  47. spirulina by itself not toxic..the issue is that during the cultivation process cyanobacteria can contaminate the harvest…cyanobacteria is a highly toxic bacteria that in large doses attacks both the liver and central nervous system..so the problem is  finding an honest company  who takes all the necessary measures to ensure their product is free of cyanobacteria… 

  48. I like ALL of Dr. Greger's videos except this one. Spirulina is considered a whole food source and has some of the highest nutrient-dense concentrations. I think in moderation, it would be fine. Like anything, excess can bring about potential problems. Interesting opposing view nonetheless in increasing awareness. But spirulina has been around for quite a long time, and I have not read or heard of any significant health issues or claims like ephedra or other potentially-harmful sources. It took only a short period of time for ephedra to be deemed as unhealthy based on the case-reports and actual incidents from it. 

  49. A RECENT study on spirulina showing the opposite effect of what's mentioned here in this video- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25331487

    And a grade A safety conclusion was given as continuing on-going research is being done- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21793723

    Another study concluding spirulina safety- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21473896

    And yet another study of how NASA used spirulina with their astronauts and how it's regarded as safe- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136577/

  50. I'm sorry but I do not agree. I grow my own spirulina and I know it's completely safe. I've even sent off samples on many occasions and it's come back clean.

  51. Your short videos on well documented benificial spirilina are suspicious leading one to believe you are a pharmacy sellout.are you? It would be easy to find out.so prove your case better.because right now some detective is going to investigate you if you cannot document your case better.

  52. Weak. Information on what specific supplements were tested? They could have been from Beijing for all we know…You need to give more info if you are going to make such black and white arguments.

  53. I find this so hard to believe?? There must be more to the story… The video is so suspiciously short ??

  54. THIS IS THE SOURSE SO YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN INTERPRETATIONS OR CONCLUSIONS Anatoxin-a is a potent neurotoxin produced by several species of cyanobacteria. This alkaloid may cause fatal intoxication to exposed organisms and this has raised concerns over the increasing popularity of food supplements containing cyanobacteria. These are being marketed with alleged health properties for animal and human consumption. These supplements most commonly contain the genera Spirulina (Arthrospira) and Aphanizomenon and their consumption represent a potential route for anatoxin-a exposure in cases where adequate quality control is not undertaken. In this work, several dietary supplements containing cyanobacteria from different commercial suppliers were evaluated for the presence of anatoxin-a by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Additionally, the presence of the previously derivatized anatoxin-a was confirmed by using Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A total of 39 samples were analysed in the study. Results showed that three of the samples (7.7%) contained anatoxin-a, at concentrations ranging from 2.50 to 33 μg g−1. Quality control of cyanobacterial food supplements is required to avoid potential health effects in humans and animals.

  55. This guy is superb doctor that cares for our health, BUT he got few things REALLY wrong and one of them are blue-green alge. We shouldn't judge him too hard on this one, he probably reads more studies in 1 month that we all do in our life.


  57. Please read the Article you talking about… It´s talking about a Quality Problem of Spirulin, and contanmination. SPIRULINA is not able to produce any Neuro or Liver Toxin… It has not the Gene for it, since 2005 the Genome is known.
    Many think to stay objective, it´s our duty as a Scientist

  58. Greger is right, you have to make sure that the spirulina you buy is third party tested (cyanoyoxins). The French food authority (ANSES) agrees with him, and they also say that 5g of spirulina per day may be too much beta carotene so anyway you cannot take a lot of this.

    Spirulina is vegan, these videos prove that Greger is not confirming his vegan bias and care primarily about health.

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