Il nuoto fa bene alla perdita di peso?

Nuoto e perdita di peso: l'esercizio in acqua fresca o in condizioni fresche sulla terraferma può portare ad un aumento dell'apporto calorico post-allenamento.

Non è interessante? Sono sorpreso di non averne mai sentito parlare prima di intraprendere quella profonda immersione di ricerca per la mia opera sulla perdita di peso How Not to Diet ( -a-dieta/). Il trailer del video è qui: Trailer di How Not to Diet: Dr. Greger's Guide to Weight Loss ( alla-dieta-dr-gregers-guida-alla-perdita-di-peso/). (Tutti i proventi che ricevo per tutti i miei libri vanno in beneficenza.)<br/>
Per ulteriori informazioni sull'esercizio fisico e la perdita di peso, vedere:
• Quanto esercizio fisico per sostenere la perdita di peso (
• Il ruolo della dieta rispetto all'esercizio fisico nell'epidemia di obesità ( -ruolo-della-dieta-vs-esercizio-nell-epidemia-di-obesità/)
• Dieta vs esercizio per la perdita di peso (

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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71 Risposte a “Il nuoto fa bene alla perdita di peso?”

  1. I live in a cold country and love swimming, so this is bad news for me. 😅 I wonder if jumping into a sauna or hot jacuzzi after your swim would negate this effect.

  2. I have been a dedicated lap swimmer in a heated pool for many years. I intensely swim 30 minutes three time a week. I balance this with cycling, strength training, and walking. I also have been plant based for many years. I do not understand the need to swim for an hour a day. Basically, what you are saying is that in general exercising in cooler conditions adds to calorie intake. I see this as no problem. Thanks for mentioning swimming.

  3. Sounds about right, I swim all the time and tend to gain weight. Whereas during the summer when I bike, it comes off pretty quickly.

  4. Great video. The results of the research are counter-intuitive. Which is why it's so interesting and useful that you put this out there.

  5. I walk for 45-1 hour a day and swim 1 hour a day. I swim to loosen up and stretch my body. Amazing how you can move your body in water so much easier than outside of the water. I have a compromised back, stenosis, scoliosis, herniations, and nerve damage in my leg. My weight hasn’t changed, my body has. People say, oh You lost a lot of weight. I haven’t, but my body shows differently. Thanks for your video.

  6. You've solved the mystery! My husband and I finally understand why I always gain weight in the winter and lose weight in the summer, despite the fact that I always walk to class (even in the frigid cold). Now my husband can't tease me about always being hungry in the winter. It's like a weight off my shoulders haha
    … the answer is both counter intuitive and totally obvious, since we spend more calories in the cold, but our bodies are designed to put on weight in the cold months to protect against starvation.

  7. As a lifelong swimmer I completely agree that swimming is not best for weight-loss. Its all about the food for weight reduction.

  8. As someone who has done all sorts of exercise, I learned that a while back. I consider long distance walking to be, by far, the best for weight loss, but I still love swimming!

  9. I'm not trying to lose weight and I think running is too high-impact for me. Getting extra calories wouldn't really be bad for me as long as it isn't from animal products and junk food. Swimming sounds ideal for me, and I've heard that its a full body workout.

  10. You have no idea how much I thank you for everything you do. From the bottom of my heart I thank you. 😉

  11. This all makes sense. If you're cold, of course, you'll be hungrier. Evolutionarily, having more bodyfat could help keep you warm if you lived in a cold environment.
    But we need to think about the context.
    I do think knowing this information is important, but you did not compare swimming vs NO exercise at all. If someone is sedentary and starts swimming, that will improve their health. It's like saying diet soda is bad for you– yes it is, compared to water, but if someone is drinking regular soda and switches to diet zero-calorie soda, they are helping themselves.

  12. That's only happen with people who don't track what they eat/drink, so they eat whenever they like and whatever amount of foods, actually in this winter i lost 4kg even it was cold because I did not consume much food higher what I planned my daily food intake. Actually I used the cold weather in my favor in burning more calories. But there was an issue, I was so sensitive to cold because my body fat is low, I had to wear many things to go on, but no other issues at all like low immunity or any other stuff.

  13. What about sweat ? 
    Hear me out: if being immersed in the pool while exercising naturally prevents you from ever sweating, it also saves you from losing 2 to 4 lbs of evaporating water, which you'll have to make up for when you ingurgitate anything (water per se + water contained in food) post-workout. Hence, if swimming makes you hungrier, it is counter-productive from every angle to only rely on this type of sports.

  14. Soooooo… that perhaps people who watch this video understand what is going on and are more aware…..they can be disciplined enough to try to not eat more after swimming or working out in the cold…..and still manage to lose weight….

  15. so, it looks like swimming does work to burn calories, its just whether we can keep from eating more afterwards….one interesting thing though about it, I know when I go swimming I ALWAYS lose a little weight the next morning…..I truly think this is due to becoming more dehydrated than I realize…….and I ALWAYS sleep better too……I suppose due to it simply be an all around tiring workout for my muscles and joints……now, long term swimming I don't think my weight stays down, but I don't believe I gain any either….this is really nice to know that temperature has something to do with our appetite ……when its warm you feel less hungry as opposed to when its cold out you tend to eat more……very interesting….I wonder if this has anything to do with our body sensing it needs to store fat due to the temperature for survival???

  16. I'm ravenously hungry after swimming and concluded some times ago it's not working for weightloss. This video checks out.

  17. In other words, it would work if people just simply monitored their eating rather than blindly filling their plate at a buffet line.

    You don't need to stick to warm or hot anything before, during, or after a workout. What you need to do is now how much you are eating via calories.

  18. this is the most ridiculous video ever made on this channel!!! You could attribute the lack of weight loss to a million things all of which are as plausible as the stupid idea that hunger is somehow linked to swimming. There goes your credibility with this garbage! Are you trying to run off people?

  19. When I swim my appetite soars. I love swimming and will not stop. I also walk, row with concept 2 rower and lift weights.

  20. Swimming would be better than doing nothing, and still provides anaerobic and full body toning gains, better for fitness than walking slowly on a treadmill. Cycling is still the best – low impact, good to get outside, commuting is great, burn fat not fuel.

  21. So train cold and then carefully monitor food intake. I know the average slob has limited self control, but this could be a useful hack for anyone with some discipline.

  22. I thought this was just because as a kid, we went swimming just before lunch and it we always got something tasty afterwards. I thought it was some sort of Pavlovian reaction 🤣

  23. i can not over eat, but i guess many people can. i think its because they are eating unhealthy, healthy foods wont let you get fat.

  24. Im a triathlete….yes, I’m starving after swimming and have to pee like crazy! Mystery solved….at least as far as the starving part goes. Thanks Doc, you’re a gem! 😊

  25. I think it has to with the fact that if its cold our bear brain think it has to amp up the calorie intake like in winter hibernation.
    and in warm situations not so mutch.

  26. Not to mention all the crap food o offer at the pool. Have to walk past cooldrinks, ice creams and if u are silly enough to stay for coffee…

  27. I don’t think the conclusion here is that we should stop swimming and avoid cold water and cold showers.
    Cold exposure is incredibly beneficial to the body, and backed by science. So is swimming if you enjoy it. This study only looked at weight loss and appetite, no other health benefits.

    For me, the takeaway is to just mind what we’re eating after swimming! Not to avoid anything water or cold related so we don’t overeat later. Any cardio you enjoy is good cardio, and cold exposure has many health benefits this study didn’t focus on. So if you love swimming, keep swimming!

  28. this is so stupid i've lost so much weight with swimming and meal planning, swimming will save your knees and hips from replacement surgery as it has less impact than running, we need to take science studies with a grain of salt since scientific studies are manipulated by companies and people to suit their need

  29. I’m confused. I was under the impression that cold exposure could increase brown fat that can in turn boost metabolism, burning more fat?

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