Zenzero per nausea, crampi mestruali e sindrome dell'intestino irritabile

Lo zenzero in polvere può essere un trattamento altamente efficace, economico, facile da usare e più sicuro per la nausea, l'emicrania e la perdita di sangue mestruale e dolore. Funziona anche per i crampi intestinali IBS?

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Se i placebo sono così sicuri ed efficaci, i medici dovrebbero prescriverli? Discuto i pro ei contro in La bugia che guarisce: i medici dovrebbero dare i placebo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-lie-that-heals-should-doctors-give-placebos/). <br/>
Cosa funziona per IBS? Vedere:
• Kiwifruit per la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile (
• Pepe di cayenna per la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile e l'indigestione cronica (http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/pepe-di-cayenna-per-sindrome-del-intestino-irritabile-e-indigestione-cronica/)
• Olio di menta piperita per la sindrome del colon irritabile (

Cos'altro possono fare le donne per rendere le loro mestruazioni più tollerabili? Vedere:
• Zafferano per il trattamento della sindrome premestruale (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/saffron-for-the-treatment -of-pms/)
• Diete a base vegetale per il dolore al seno (
http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-diets-for-breast-pain/)
• Semi di lino per il dolore al seno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flax-seeds-for-breast-pain/)
• Trattamento dietetico per periodi mestruali dolorosi (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dietary-treatment-for-painful-menstrual-periods /)
• Semi di finocchio per crampi mestruali e sindrome premestruale (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/fennel-seeds-for-menstrual-cramps-and-pms/)

Per di più sullo zenzero, dai un'occhiata a:
• Riduzione dei danni da radiazioni con zenzero e melissa (
http://nutritionfacts .org/video/reducing-radiation-damage-with-ginger-and-lemon-balm/)
• Zenzero per l'emicrania (
• Trattamenti naturali per la nausea mattutina (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/natural-treatments-for-morning-sickness)

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23 Risposte a “Zenzero per nausea, crampi mestruali e sindrome dell'intestino irritabile”

  1. I have a similar question….. So yes to benefits of powdered ginger – Would fresh grated ginger also work? I would love to continue feeling superior drinking my loose leaf green tea with fresh grated turmeric and ginger.

  2. No offence Dr greger, but I think you could improve your delivery, especially towards the end. Can't you do a second take or are you THAT busy?

  3. i'm going to try during my periods, mine are unbearable. i know it's not related but are there any herbs and such that can help with overactive bladder?

  4. what are the differences between all the health benefits of Garlic vs Ginger?

    both are very high in combating inflammation and probably anti cancer too.

  5. Ginger's efficacy has been well known for thousands of years in the traditional chinese medicine scene. It's a wonderful food that has many medicinal properties!

  6. Oh my gosh. You have no idea how much I love this information, I recently began having cramp pains that made me pass out cause of how severe they were, I have even become terrified of my periods. I am so dropping all those pills I'm taking and doing ginger. Thank you so much.

  7. Ginger of course is a cousin to the turmeric root and they are synergistically anti-inflammatory when used in combination.

  8. Hi NutritionFacts, hi Dr. Greger! I would love if you made an update of new research about IBS and nutritional tips to deal with IBS, without relying on the FODMAP diet, which is very restrictive and can't be applied on the long term. Thank you SO much.

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