Una dieta chetogenica aiuta il diabete o lo peggiora?

Le diete chetologiche messe alla prova per l'inversione del diabete.

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Questo è stato il video finale della mia serie di keto in 7 parti. Assicurati di recuperare il resto se te ne sei perso qualcuno:
• Il cheto è una dieta efficace per combattere il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-Keto-an-Effective-Cancer-Fighting-Diet)
• Teoria della dieta Keto messa alla prova (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/keto-diet-theory-put-to-the-test)<br/> • Risultati della dieta chetogenica per la perdita di peso ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Keto- Risultati della dieta per la perdita di peso)
• La perdita di peso durante la chetosi è sostenibile? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-Weight-Loss-on-Ketosis-Sustainable)
• Le diete Keto sono sicure? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-keto-diets-safe)
• Diete chetologiche: crescita muscolare e densità ossea (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Keto-Diets-Muscle-Growth-and-Bone- Densità)

Cosa possiamo fare per il diabete? Ecco alcuni video per iniziare:
• Come non morire di diabete (
https://nutritionfacts.org /video/come-non-morire-di-diabete/)
• Diete vegetali e diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Plant-Based-Diets-and-Diabetes)
• Cosa Provoca la resistenza all'insulina? (https://nutritionfacts.org/what-causes-insulin-resistance)
• Il diabete come malattia della tossicità dei grassi (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Diabetes-as-a-Disease -di-tossicità per i grassi)

• Quali sono le cause del diabete? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-causes-diabetes)
• Diete vegetali per il diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based- diete-per-diabete)
• Uova e diabete (
• Pesce e diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fish-and-diabetes/)
• I diabetici dovrebbero prendere le loro pulsazioni (https://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetics-should-take-loro -pulses/)
• Come prevenire la trasformazione del prediabete in diabete (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-to-Prevent-Prediabetes-from-Turning-in-Diabetes)
• Curare la neuropatia diabetica dolorosa (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/curing-painful-diabetic-neuropathy )
• Quando i farmaci e le diete non riducono il diabete D eaths (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/when-drugs-diets-dont-lower-diabetes -deaths/)
• Invertire il diabete con il cibo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reversing-diabetes-with-food)
• Inversione del diabete: sono le calorie o il cibo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetes-reversal-is-it-the- calorie-o-cibo)
• Lo zenzero è utile in una dieta per diabetici? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-ginger-beneficial-in-a -dieta-diabetica)
• Benefici di una dieta macrobiotica per il diabete (

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100 Risposte a “Una dieta chetogenica aiuta il diabete o lo peggiora?”

  1. Check out the Newcastle researh – unclog your liver and pancreas and reverse type 2 and massively improve type 1.
    No point avoiding "carbs" for life if your liver remains clogged with lard.

  2. Having just had a brush with type 2 myself, I now see that the KETO loons are using diabetes as an argument against anyone eating carbs ever.

    Shame on them – well at least the ones with medical credentials – not the meathead gym bros who can't help themselves…
    Keto is for people who have an unhealthy liking for barbecue and are going to die early and painfully anyway.
    And those who think the "Cardassian" "no-neck" look is a good one (Shawn Baker)

  3. I wonder if Eric Berg is smart enough to have given up on Keto himself personally and is just pretending at this point for his channel.

  4. Your presentation is very misleading: I have T2D and following a LCHF diet helped me reduce my HBa1c from 8.2 to 6.2 in 4 months, my TG from 108 mg/dl to 91, my Ch-T from 140 mg/dl to 124, my CH-LDL from 0.74 mg/dl to 0.47 , increased my CH-HDL from 0.50 to 0.59. The bonus: I lost 11 kgs (from 74 to 63). I haven't taken any form of medication. Note: if an individual is on a LCHF diet, it is very normal that they have blood glucose spikes after a high carb meal, that is known as the second meal effect. The second meal phenomenon is due to fact that the metabolism has re-adapted itself to fat (healthy fats) ingestion while on a LCHF which necessitates more bile and less insulin. The same phenomenon would happen to an individual on a high carb diet having fatty meals (not enough bile to help digest). I feel more comfortable with high bile than insulin , would you? By the way, thanks to regular exercise (walking for not less than an hour daily) I noticed an increase in my body lean mass and less fatigue, contrary to what you have quoted and presented as fact. Actually, it is fiction, my case is fact.
    P.S. my sexual performance? My wife is so happy: rigid and sustained erection …

  5. My mother definitely lost 25kg and reversed her type 2 diabetes. She has done the hard work, and enjoys high carbs here and there but has found Keto food to be way more fulfilling. Yes her blood sugar level rockets because she was sensitive, but that was only at the start of reintroducing carbs – people would rather tare it down than believe a human will adapt to it's conditions. High BGL should not be the aim, and using it as the argument is far from Keto and just stupid.

  6. On mediabiasfacts.com this Dr has been rated as pseudoscience with some elevated health claims. To quote 'Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information.

  7. I noticed these studies were done mainly with Atkins not keto and the keto studies were likely eating less veggies as shown in the article in this video. The problem with most if not all these research studies is that they do not test groups that properly follow healthy keto more likely the keto ppl were eating less veggies too much bad fats etc…if done correctly you should be eating 7-10cups veggies as Dr.Berg tells us and healthy fats not crazy huge amounts either and moderate protein from healthy sources.
    And not sure how you think you are making type 2 diabetes better by not going keto. Yes it is a lifestyle change you cant/shouldn't go back to unhealthy diet that caused the issue to begin with. And ok so you say it makes it worse when you try to eat a toxic amount of sugar in one drink like the glucose test , why would anyone think your body would welcome such a huge amount of toxic sugar after being on clean healthy foods for a long time. This would shock your body plus being fat adapted your body is now used to burning fat for fuel then you give a huge sugar drink to test them! Crazy and as much as I would love to go back to eating carbs and sugars like honey those are the very things that caused insulin resistance! How else would you recommend fixing it? I saw you mention a few things one was surgery not sure how that works but anyway who wants meds or surgery when you can eat lots of vegetables , some berries too on keto don't go crazy eating all the wrong fats and you shouldn't eat more fat then veggies either! In fact once you are fat adapted you can live off you're own fat stores and you cut back on dietary fat you don't need to keep eating high amounts of fat. Listen to Dr.Berg explain how to follow the diet properly to live a healthy life. It is meant to be a forever lifestyle change for the better not a on and off diet

  8. You have a video where you define the ketogenic diet you are speaking of ? You keep on mentioning Atkins, Atkins is similar but not the same. Responsible ketogenic diet educators always emphasize the importance of vegetables and moderate protein. Pls look up Dr Fung and Dr. Westerman’s work one is a nephrologist and one heads obesity clinic at duke university for past 20 years.

  9. I had suspected this for some time. (If it sounds to good to be true….) I am very interested in what you might have to say about fasting and Diabetes. Thanks for all the hard work you and your team do for us!

  10. The problem is this simply isnt true. Greger is confounding temporary phenomenon with the underlying pathology.

    'fasting' for a week results in exactly the same temporary response to glucose. The question is what happens to actual insulin resistance on a low carb diet or fasting? It improves.

    Greger doesnt address this.

    A recent study by the US military found that after a three month Ketogenic diet Insulin resistance was improved by 48% compared to controls.

    This is repeated in multiple study findings

    I wonder why Dr Greger doesnt mention these, but merely mentions the results if an immediate glucose test?

  11. So I don't see how this is any different to doing low carb. You may 'reverse' diabetes but as soon as you eat any fat then you will have a massive reaction to carbs. So how is it any more effective than low carb diet? They are both extreme diets that reverse but don't 'cure' diabetes.

  12. People with type 2 diabetes should avoid carbohydrates. These people have a carbohydrate intolerance. Carbohydrates are not essential. They should avoid refined sugar, refined carbs, starchy carbs, industrial vegetable oils, fruits, juices, and whole grains. Whole grains (wheat, oats, corn, soy, rice, rye, barley) will raise the blood sugar, cause weight gain, raise the insulin level, cause gout, cause fatty liver disease, cause heart disease, cause Alzheimer's Dementia, and will cause cancer because of the glyphosate. Whole grains will also damage the intestinal lining, increase inflammation, and can cause autoimmune diseases. Avoiding carbs will cause weight loss, improve insulin sensitivity, improve heart disease, improve fatty liver disease, and decrease inflammation. So what, people on the ketogenic diet did worse after eating carbs again. These people just need to avoid carbs and stay off of carbs for the long term. For more info you can visit my youtube channel. Diabetes increases the aging process. The reverse is true also….avoiding carbs slows the aging process. The plant based diet will improve type 2 diabetes in the short term but the plant based diet is damaging to the human body long term. On the plant based diet you will have many vitamin, mineral, nutrient, and protein deficiencies especially the fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) and B12, and omega 3 EPA, DHA fatty acids. Whole grains raise the blood sugar, raise the insulin level, cause weight gain, cause inflammation, cause heart disease, cause Alzheimer's Dementia, cause autoimmune diseases, and cause cancer. The choice is yours.

  13. Yes it does, it did it with me and thousands of others, plant base is only a modern day diet because of stores, there's no real discussion here, I've done both and keto has improved my health more than vegan ever did, there never will be one diet fits all its dangerous and incompetent to say otherwise

  14. I don't understand what you are speaking about. I am on Keto for 2 years. i do not just believe my blood sugar level. My mind ability, asthma, body energy are all much better than before. i also eat some rice but not like others. But if the amount of the carb goes too much, my all condition goes bad. So I keep the amount of rice low and no wheat at all. Wheat makea my body muc worse. I lost 44 pounds and I am happy now.

  15. Look up all the 2012 + articles in the citation list you provided. The most recent articles provide evidence in favor of a ketogenic diet. In particular Hussain et al. (2012) shows better outcomes of the ketogenic diet for patients with type II diabetes than calorie restriction. Hallberg et al's (2018) study is the same. All the blood assays show very strong response to a ketogenic diet and improved outcomes. Both these studies have decent sample sizes +300 patients with good control populations on which to compare research outcomes,

    The video rests much of its thesis on the results of Perry et al. 2017. That study shows that binging on a high fat food generates negative impacts on glucose sensitivity. The methods of this paper are limited – only 15 participants – all of whom are healthy and do not have type II diabetes. However, if the paper is read critically there is also a major flaw in how this video interprets the Perry et al study. Simply click on their Table 1 data to see the composition of the so called "high fat: diet fed to patients as the treatment. Indeed, it has a lot of fat (440 g worth and nearly 6000 cal). It also had an incredible amount of carbs – 192 g. That is 4 x the daily carb allowance of a low carb diet and 8 x the allowance of a keto genic diet. Obviously the outcome of the study could be just as readily (and mechanistically more likely) ascribed to the massive carb intake with the treatment as it could to the fat in the diet. So the thesis espoused in this video has problems.

    Regarding the esteemed MD and star of the show, nobody should listen to what Greger has to say.

  16. This is extremely nonsense. Let me prove:
    Primal humans hunted animals and ate low carb wild fruits and plants. Carbohydrate existed very low amounts. Due to his view, they all must be diabetics lol. However, diebetes rate increased drastically in last decades, parallel with sugar consupmtion. Look:

  17. Awesome video! My view is many doctors either don't know, or they're in with the big pharma's for the money. My endo had me on the food pyramid and 180 carbs per day…just started keto 2 weeks ago with intermittent fasting after 3 days in the hospital with ketoacidosis. Feel great and insulin down from 75 to 20u per day. Can't wait to see my endo next week and show him my results so far…

  18. I am not pro-keto. In fact, I am trying to slowly transition to vegan. (On a side not, I go to a local kickboxing gym where most of the competitive fighters are vegan and promote that diet to others in the gym including me. A group of vegan warriors, pretty badass I think). But I am not anti-keto either.

    This is pretty bad at first glance….In the first 30 seconds he has misrepresented diabetes. The disease IS NOT carbohydrate intolerance. It is more akin to carbohydrate overindulgence. Your blood and insulin response becomes overwhelmed not by carbohydrates but by the AMOUNT of carbohydrates, through over consumption of added sugars and simple carbs.The disease is Insulin resistance. And there are more symptoms than just high blood sugar…including low blood sugar. This is because it isn't high blood sugar that is the problem. It is imbalanced blood sugar. He then goes on to conflate fat (fish, nuts) with saturated fat (many dairy products), and uses "metaphors" to convince you that ketogenic nutrition is bad. These metaphors are horrible and unrelated. He simplifies a complex issue. 

    Neither veganism nor ketogenisis are new fad diets. They are as old as spirituality, and have been detailed in books from various religions across the world throughout history. The only fact in nutrition is that everyone has different needs. There as many "right diets" as there are body types on this planet. And people who bash one over the other to a large audience are selling your something.

    I looked into this guy to see what his profit motives are and such. Oh great he donates all of his earned income from his books to charity. What a kind, heartfelt person. Except that the charity he donates to is the one that funds his website. Which just means the income he generates from his books is tax deductible. From a shallow dive into his work, this man is dubious to say the least.

  19. Dr. Greger. I would request you to please look into this study :

    I am a big fan of yours and I follow your work, videos regularly and I also own your book, "How not to Die – Cookbook"
    I have been able to reverse my diabetes by going plant based absolutely, although i was a vegetarian since birth.
    I would like to hear your view on the study/ link above. I follow the advice of Dr. Jason Fung and Dr. Neal Bernard as well. Living the 18-6 and sometimes 20-4 Intermittent Fasting and low carb diet and elimination diet (no pasta, no refined sugar, no bread, no wheat, no roti or naan, no simple carbs, no alcohol). Curious to try now Vegan Keto + Intermittent fasting lifestyle.
    Would be great to hear your take on this link above.

  20. Dear Nutrionfacts-Team,
    thanks for the Keto series, many interesting facts were showed and/or debunked.
    I have just one more question: What would you say to the ketogenic diet in the aspect of the flu season or, in general, avoiding and fighting viral infections?
    If I get this right, we need to slow down the enzyme Fatty Acid Synthase (FASN), so viruses have problems replicating. Would we inhibit the FASN with a high Oleic Acid intake and/or even with a ketogenic diet or am I reading this wrong?
    I'd be very happy if you could help me out on this one!
    My source:

  21. This is video represent everything that’s wrong with science in 2020. Very sad!

    Wrong assumptions, poor studies, very bad studies, even more wrong assumptions, leading to erroneous conclusion based on those assumptions.

  22. Could the high reaction to sugar after being on low carbohydrate diet be temporary? Is the keto mania because it helps to reverse the effects from going the opposite direction before? Can keto be an effective reset, followed by moderation in carbs. No one can deny that a low sugar diet is a lifetime goal. For me, keto is good for now. It’s applied effectively for my health concerns NOW, maybe not for a lifetime. Lots of people review supplements negatively because they never needed them in the first place, or they have an inherent problem that makes them react to the product. Others do wonderfully, for a time. Everyone is different at different times. Also, there’s troubling lack of completeness to the analyzed data here. It’s very specific, yet not specific. The whole picture needs to be looked at. Was the meat cooked healthily? Was it quality meat? Did they separate out the natural sugar from the processed sugar? Did they mix carbs and fats? Also, sometimes you’re forced to chose the lesser of two evils.Bariatric surgery or temporary keto diet. Obesity can come from not just over indulgence, but the root can a multitude of things outside of a persons control. Notice he always says things “can” or “may” be such and such. Very safe indeed. The proof is in the application to your own situation, making adjustments and making educated choices. The education is not helped with “Mays” or “Cans”.

  23. Keto diet is the most unhealthy diet and not Sustainable for a healthy balanced life style. I tried it and it increased my cholesterol from 130 to above 230! LDL sky rock high and gain 5 lbs of fat. I have been eating a Vegetarian eating habit without occasionally eat eggs and cheese. People really need to stick to plants based foods which is supporting healthier immune system and keep u satisfied/ feel full.

  24. A Keto Diet is only a path of intermediate and long term fasting that promotes ketosis, and ketosis promotes Autophagy.
    Autophagy is the natural, regulated mechanism of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components. It allows the orderly degradation and recycling of cellular components. Three forms of Autophagy are commonly described: macroautophagy, microautophagy, and chaperone-mediated Autophagy.

  25. Decades of science: Constantly eating carbohydrates causes consintly high inuslin, causing insulin insensitivy, leading to metabolic syndrome then diabetes
    This guy: You should be insulin insensitive
    Really though this whole video ignore that insulin sensitivity can change with constantly insulin. Occasionaly spiking blood sugar from eating a carb heavy meal isn't the same as diabetes. It's how a healthy body works.

  26. You can't fix high insulin with adding more carbs. Please explain that hearthdisease went up, while people eating less fat and more carbs then 30 years ago.. I fully reversed high blood sugar within 2 weeks and lost 90 pounds on a ketogenic diet in 16 months. I did have very high disciplin on that diet, because i knew about the dangers of too much carbs, while doing it. Now on a plantbased diet i was able to loose 2 pounds in 1 f' ing year. Not that the plantdiet is bad, at least i didn't gain to much apart from chronic obstipation.

  27. If diabetes is literally insulin resistance, how can a low carb or keto diet makes it worse? In those diets your insulin levels are permantently low because you eat minimal amounts of carbs.
    It doesn't make any sense.

  28. Injecting more insulin into a T2D person who is already Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance is only worsening the disease. You develop "carbohydrate intolerance" by eating too much carbs, having high insulin level for too many years/decades… Why not fix the source of the problem by reducing carbs, especially the highly refined carbs/sugars. Keto diet works by replacing some calories from carbs, with calories from fat, so you won't starve. Give your liver and pancreas a chance to recover.

  29. Doc, I'm puzzled. Insulin resistance is cause by too much insulin(according to youtube and health website). Why is it that you encourage us to eat more carbs? Be it refined or not, it's a lifetime of consuming carbs that led us here (pre diabetic) in the first place. I'm neither nutritionist not doctor, so please kindly explain it in simple terms.

  30. Keto is really bad for even more health areas. For me, it destroyed my heart arrhythmia.
    After a few years now on a plant based diet with low fat, the heart got back to normal.

  31. Still 6 years after, and I as a T1D disagree, but with a plant based keto diet. I even made it through the police academy in my country and aced every physical test without suffering any complications in the process or even a year after.

  32. This is bs, I reversed my diabetes with a keto diet. Also it seems that with the keto diet I'm immortal, I'm immune to guns shots and much more.

  33. Sorry, I’m calling bs on this one. So the answer to carb intolerance is more carbs? So the answer to alcoholism is more alcohol or heroin addiction More heroin?
    At least dr berg has the right to call himself a dr, even if it’s not in nutrition, not like this fraud

  34. I use a clogged toilet to illustrate insulin insensitivity. Flushing the toilet / the water is not the cause of the clog and it represents carbohydrates. However if you have a clogged toilet lots of flushing will cause problems. The toilet will overflow, yuck. We all know the real problem is the downstream clog which metaphorically represents intramyocellular fat buildup which keeps insulin from doing it's job by blocking insulin receptor sites. The illustration seems to help people understand how to fix the underlying problem. It also illustrates how the keto diet can reduce symptoms while making the problem worse. Hopefully this helps someone.

  35. I hope you guys don’t take Dr Greger’s interpretation of the literature as the Bible.
    Acetone in your blood will reduce dramatically after adaptation to the diet and what he calls as carbohydrate intolerance is also called insulin susceptibility, which means that your cells become less “dull” to constant high lvls of insulin and more adequately able to rapidly utilize sugar once it’s fed.
    Just go hear the other bell ringing and then make up your own mind.

  36. No keto eater eats Palm oil as a source of fat . This guy bases all his facts on flawed and irrelevant studies. Pause the video. Read the studies he posts . Its all bullshit

  37. What you claims normal diet has now been debunked . Watch all the great work of Dr Robert Lustig regarding carbohydrates and fructose and sugar . This video has it all wrong . BTW there are no essential carbohydrates. Particularly anything that is processed.

  38. I was told by my dr I needed to go on insulin as I had type 2 diabetes (6 years) I said no and started a low carb diet. Within a month by blood glucose was down to normal levels. After 3 months my HBA1C was below the diabetic threshold. I’m off my statins & off my blood pressure tablets (ramilpil) and lost 3 stones. I recommended a low carb high fat diet. My bloods have also improved HDL up ad Triglycerides down.

  39. I've been following along here for about a year bouncing back and forth between Dr Greger, Dr Berg, Dr Ekberg, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Fung, Dr Hyman, Dr Esselstyn and more. I've been flipping between diets, driving my family crazy. But I've learned a lot along the way and my current thinking is as follows. All these doctors want to believe their diet is the panacea to every illness known to man. But I don't think so. If you read the research paper (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2702133/) Dr Greger mentions in this video, it says:

    "In contrast, Focardi et al32 reported an improved FMD (endothelium-dependent flow-mediated dilation) in coronary arteries after 3 weeks of LC (low carb) diet in the obese Zucker rat model of metabolic syndrome. Improved FMD was not associated with a reduction in weight in this model, and all of the animals had insulin resistance, suggesting that the vascular effects of LC may differ during diabetes."

    In other words, if you have insulin resistance, its a difference story! There are those who already have developed insulin resistance and those who have not. For those who have not, the whole food plant-based diet probably is the best way to take care of yourself for the long haul. If you are in this group, congratulations for taking care of yourself your whole life. Pat yourself on the back and carry on. However, for those of you who have developed some insulin resistance like me, you are in a bit of a quandary. On the one hand you are worried about heart disease in the long term but on the other hand you have an EMERGENCY. Yes, high blood sugar is nothing short of an emergency. You cannot just cut over to whole foods like eating oatmeal in the morning. It will make matters worse. I know because I tried it. Sorry Dr Greger but a WFPB diet does not reverse insulin resistance. I tried this, Dr Ken Berry tried this, it doesn't work. Keto gets your blood sugar back down, helps people lose weight and improve other markers. Carbohydrate sensitivity goes up, but that is temporary. The main thing is that it solves the immediate emergency. But what about the long term? I don't think you can ignore all the research showing how saturated fat and oils affects your cardiovascular system. So maybe it should be a short term transitional diet.

    It seems insulin resistance is a disease of the liver. If you screwed up your liver by eating a ton of junk food, soft drinks, or drinking too much alcohol, you need to fix that first. Low carb, high fat, supported with lots of healthy non-starchy vegetables seems like a good way to do that. I believe this can be done right with healthy oils like EVOO and coconut oil, grass-fed beef and butter, pasture-raised eggs, etc. Maybe, just maybe, after you've fixed your liver, you can transition to a high carb, low fat diet. Good luck!

  40. Want to know why middle-income and low income communities have worse health outcomes? The information is presented here in an extremely digestible and casual way, yet the gravity of what Dr. Greger has to say is severely understated! This is life changing information on diet and how it affects health, throughly researched, for the average person with no medical or scientific background.

    Moreover, it’s not the information debunking the health outcomes of the Keto diet on health and obesity that’s the real, gem here. Dr. Michael Gregor’s laser focus on the mechanisms behind Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) is breathtaking, as how we eat and prepare our foods is the #1 reason for the abysmal state of health for millions of Americans!

  41. I'm a PhD and Anesthesia clinician. I've read the science and I would debate you on any forum. What you said is simply not true. Mixed in with half truths. You presented no science no real science what so ever. Just keep feeding everyone vegetable oils! Wow, you guys don't get it

  42. I find Dr Greger’s colorful false-equivalent analogies disingeuous and juvenile. He has cleverly added some big words to make it sound impressive while conveniently ignoring the facts of physiology and the nature of insulin. His pitch reeks of food industry propaganda…

  43. We have followed broken diet advice for generations, I believe we can afford to give keto a try before rejecting it outright. There are really too much factors at play to say anything so definitely and at a risk of being biased.

  44. Get to the physiology already and explain the point of the metaphor, Dr. Neal Barnard shows that eating animal fat plugs insulin receptors.

    The carbohydrates then bounce off of the gummed up receptors causing excess blood sugar.

    Remove the thick goey fat and insulin receptors can transport carbohydrates properly.

    Sometimes Dr. Gregor makes these distracting anecdotes instead of hammering the point home.

    Animal fat causes diabetes.


    Animal fat clogs insulin receptors.

  45. T2D here. Doing Keto and IF. Took my cinnamon and Berberine at bedtime because my sugars just haven't been falling, not even after eating nothing since 4pm the previous day. The Dawn Phenomenon they call it. Finally, my blood sugar came down 40 points. I went ahead and has my coffee with just cream, holding off until breakfast for 3 more hours. Checked my blood sugar before breaking my fast. Clear up 50 points. I went on my walk. Still ugly high. I'm here to for report that the Keto diet, even with IF doesn't always work. What it does prove for myself is that fat is the culprit. Time to try something else.

  46. Remove the carbohydrates long enough and it allows the body to heal and become more sensitive to insulin. Makes perfect sense. You are using the insulin machine less so it has more time to repair

  47. He is so full of sh!!. If it works, you should be able to eat a regular diet like everyone else? Well then that also goes for whatever a plant base diet claims to do. If it cures heart disease, then people should be able to get back on the standard American diet and not get heart disease. Even if plant base makes your diabetes better, the moment you go back to the highly process foods of the standard American diet, diabetes will be back. It's an intellectually dishonest point.

  48. I had prediabetes 6 years ago, I went to keto state accidentally because it turns out that I am allergic to fruits and plant based foods. 2 years ago I cheated and experimented by eating 14 big bananas in one meal and guess what? After 4 hour later I tested blood sugars and it was 90 which it tells me that my prediabetes was gone, but i regretted later because I knew that I'm allergic to fruits. Oh and my triglycerides used to be too way high and now they are in the normal level.

  49. I have T1 diabetes and eat about 400-450 gm of carbohydrates per day and use about 31 units of insulin and with an HBA1c about 6.3. I also have greater resistance to the host of diabetic side effects caused by hyperglycemia (which certainly I still have) by elevating my antioxidant levels rather dramatically. I first heard about the Atkins/keto diet just a few years after developing diabetes at age 21. Many diabetics find they have the condition by going into diabetic ketoacidosis. It occured to me that inducing the state that, were I to stop taking insulin, would kill me I would have to be considered suicidal.

  50. I am not persuaded by the argument here… On the other hand, Robert Lustig's argument about the culpability of sugar, particularly fructose, in metabolic syndrome (including diabetes) is thoroughly convincing, Greger argues that if people on a low carb diet start to consume carbs they get a massive insulin spike because they are not carb-adapted. But that is like saying that if a non-alcoholic has a couple of drinks it will have a much larger effect than on an alcoholic who has a couple of drinks. Carb adaptation is not necessarily a good thing…

  51. Intermittent fasting. Blood sugar is normal every day no matter what I eat if it’s one meal a day. I watch my nutrition and take vitamins. Never felt better! Joint pain disappeared. If you’re type 2 or want to lose weight, subscribe to Dr. Jason Fung.

  52. So much misinformation in hear. The high fat, low carb diet lowers blood glucose, insulin, reverses insulin resistance, reduces triglycerides, small dangerous LDL particles, and helps people to lose weight. The low carb keto diet is the best diet for type 2 diabetics – you like it or not. Why are they still carbohydrate intolerant? Because this non-essential macronutrient was never meant to be used as our main source of fuel. When compared to ketones, Glucose creates less ATP, and more free radicals. All glucose needs can be met without eating carbs. I'm not sure what do you have to say about this. Probably it's the carb addiction speaking from your side. Nutrition is not what we want it to be, it is what it is. Stop spreading misinformation.

  53. You’re full of it. Glucose intolerance is quickly reversible if need be (in 1 week) on a ketogenic diet. This has little to do insulin resistance, which takes months or years to reverse, and more to do with your body becoming more adapted to using ketones for energy instead of glucose. You can observe analogous things happening when you first start doing keto, except everything then has to do with your body's unadaptive utilization of ketones and fatty acids.

  54. My diabetes disease was eliminated with the help of dr adule powerful natural herbal remedies nothing like natural you can get in touch with him on YouTube

  55. From London Brixton UK. The best bit about the keto diet is making almond low carb bread recipe & no rice or pasta.

    I am a black Caribbean woman, n we love 🍞. But I want a tiny slim waist. So this is the only bit of keto that works for me. I am vegan.

  56. Although the glucose intolerance is worse after a keto diet Initially, it improves as glucagon decreases and insulin secretion increases over the next several weeks after introducing carbs. Your study is lacking in duration. Carbs should be added back gradually as the beta cells had been down regulated by keto diet and alpha cells unregulated. In other words insulin production is low because glucagon is high. It is basic physiology.

  57. Dr. Greger, or anyone, do you have an example of 3 great meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner that would be perfect to follow to reverse diabietes and that fits the nutritional profile in the video at the 5:08 mark?

  58. What if the disease is not carb intolerance, but insulin resistance? When blood glucose is too high, the insulin response has already failed. Maintaining the insulin level low has its benefits.

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