Utilizzo del corridoio di produzione per potenziare la funzione immunitaria

Verdure testate testa a testa per vedere quale potenzia meglio la funzione immunitaria.

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Hai bisogno di un promemoria su cosa sono quei recettori Ah protettivi? Vedi The Broccoli Receptor: Our First Line of Defense ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-broccoli-receptor-our-first-line-of-defense-2/ ) e Contrastare gli effetti delle diossine attraverso la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/counteracting-the-effects-of- diossine-attraverso-la-dieta/).

Qual è il modo migliore per preparare i broccoli? Vedi la mia seconda strategia per cucinare i broccoli (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/second-strategy-to-cooking-broccoli/) video.<br/>
Le donne possono esagerare, però, alla fine della gravidanza. Vedi Attenzione: alimenti antinfiammatori nel terzo trimestre (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/caution-anti-infiammatori-foods-in-the-third- trimestre).

Cos'altro possiamo fare per ridurre il rischio di infezioni del tratto respiratorio superiore? Vedi:
• I gargarismi possono prevenire il comune raffreddore? (
• Prevenire il comune raffreddore con i probiotici? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-the-common-cold-with-probiotics/)
• Lievito nutrizionale per prevenire il comune raffreddore (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nutritional-yeast-to- prevent-the-common-cold/)
• Kiwi per il comune raffreddore (
• Preservare l'immunità degli atleti con la clorella (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preserving-athlete-immunity-with-chlorella)

Restate sintonizzati per il mio prossimo video Le persone più felici sono davvero più sane? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-happier-people-actually-healthier) più avanti questa settimana che confrontano la resistenza delle persone al fatto che il comune virus del raffreddore gocciolasse nelle loro narici.

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/using-the-produce-aisle-to-boost- immuno-funzione e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Mariusz Blach, jirkaejc e czalewski via 123rf e OpenClipartVectors e kpgolfpro tramite Pixabay.

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30 Risposte a “Utilizzo del corridoio di produzione per potenziare la funzione immunitaria”

  1. Slightly off-topic. I am going to grow purple string beans this summer. Obviously, the purple color is good, but cooking turns the beans green. Is it better to eat them raw, or does the cooking not destroy the anti-oxidant power of the purple?

  2. Great video Doc!
    The last part of the video just proves to me that vaccines don't work. Just eat healthier in the first place and avoid the toxic virus/heavy metal cocktails offered to us by the medical establishments.

  3. Actually the produce isle or any super market is the worst place to search for methods of boosting immune function. White and Latin Capitalism has mass produced foods that lack nutrition. Produce is grown synthetically,sprayed with pesticides,herbicides,harvested very early before ripening,gmo grown etc.
    There is nothing better than organically home grown Socialist produce. I grew my own tomatoes and it was as if truly tasting a tomato for the first time in my 30 something years on God's Earth. The tomatoes were so tasty they required no salt,no additives,I ate the tomato like an apple,delicious. I will never go back to store bought produce. I grow my own,independently of Capitalism.

  4. Man I was vegan for four months… I ate so well, tonnes of tofu, beans, wholegrains, lentils, fruit & veg, 3 TBSP of freshly ground flaxseeds, all my cruciferous vegetables… I also used cronometer to make sure I got 100% of all the vitamins and minerals I needed. In the end I was badly deficient in Iron and Omega 3's. It just doesn't seem to work for some people 🙁 Oh and I also farted like a maniac, my family did not like being in my company.

  5. Question??? is all cholesterol equal? Is cholesterol in your blood from plant based diet just as bad as cholesterol from animal foods? Is a HDL Cholesterol of 107 eating a plant based diet healthier that the same number eating animal products or are they just as bad??

  6. Thank you I did get the tammato s, apples, banana s ,what about oione s ? Grapes ? Blueberry? Will this boost the immune with the antioxidants punch I'm looking for ?

  7. Why didn't you share that at the being of the C pandemic?
    People look up to you as someone who promotes healthy living and enjoy your content as a natural way to treat most of our problems, but your only solution was waiting for a vaccine.

  8. Of course, it's best to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables. Covering the whole rainbow is a good idea, because certain nutrients are associated with each color. A good variety of nutrients is important, because certain nutrients do little or nothing by themselves but are far more potent when combined with certain other nutrients.

  9. It's my own anecdotal experience but I just got through a covid infected house without symptoms and Ive been eating wfpb since the beginning of the pandemic, my mum decided to join me a few months after, she also tested positive and had no symptoms, my dad and sis have a really bad diet and both had symptoms, sis is currently in hospital, my dad sadly passed away, I would say he had the worst diet out of us all, this is just my own experience I wanted to share take what you want from it

  10. I have this disgusting case of candida infection in my mouth and I'm supposed to stop eating sugar such as fruits and grains and starchy vegetables and I don't want to eat meat but don't know what to do

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