Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: Omega 3?

L'olio di pesce Omega 3 ha il vantaggio di ridurre il rischio di ictus?

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OK, un altro strikeout che cerca di spiegare l'aumento del rischio. Potrebbe essere che i vegetariani seguissero diete particolarmente malsane? Etichette come vegetariano o vegano mi dicono solo cosa non mangi, ma ci sono molti cibi vegetariani malsani come patatine fritte, patatine e bibite gassate. Ecco perché come medico preferisco il termine nutrizione a base vegetale di cibi integrali. Questo mi dice cosa mangi, oh, in realtà mangi verdure, una dieta incentrata sui cibi più sani là fuori. Ma è quello che sta succedendo? Lo scopriremo nel mio prossimo video: <br/>
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: cibo spazzatura vegano? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: grassi saturi? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: proteine ​​animali? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina B12 & Omocisteina? (
• Come testare per carenza di vitamina B funzionale (
• I vegetariani dovrebbero assumere creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina? (
• L'efficacia e la sicurezza della creatina per l'alta omocisteina ( -e-sicurezza-della-creatina-per-alta-omocisteina)

Se ti sei perso i primi quattro, puoi recuperare il ritardo qui:
• Cosa mangiare per prevenire l'ictus (http://
• Cosa non mangiare per la prevenzione dell'ictus (
• I vegetariani hanno davvero un rischio di ictus maggiore? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina D? (

Sorpreso per i ritrovamenti di olio di pesce? Non lo saresti stato se avessi seguito la scienza. Vedi, ad esempio, l'olio di pesce è solo olio di serpente? ( e Omega-3 e l'Eskimo Fish Tale ( -3s-and-the-eskimo-fish-tale).

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100 Risposte a “Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: Omega 3?”

  1. Veganism is an ethical position. That's what the term vegan meant to Donald Watson (the person who coined the term in 1944). One is a plant based dieter not a vegan if one becomes "vegan" for health reason or environmental reasons.

  2. In your earlier days every video used to contain actionable information. Now it's two cliffhangers and one flashback friday between every useful video.
    A bit frustrating.

  3. I looked into becoming vegan for animal abuse prevention reasons. I told myself that I'd stop eating animal foods if my research led me to conclude that I could be at least as healthy without eating animals. As it turns out, it seems that there are no compelling health reasons to eat animals. However, I don't think I would have ever went vegan if there were studies where life long vegans reversed their heart disease by eating steaks, eggs, pork chops, and so on. As it turns out the scientific studies indicate that life long animal eaters have reversed heart disease by completely or nearly completely (Ornish studies included fat free dairy) omitting animal foods and eating low fat plant foods instead.

  4. We are getting there little by little. The only healthy vegan food is that which is made up of WHOLE, whole fruits and vegetables. It is obvious that if one eats pizzas, even without meat, pies, crisps and processed foods, containing trans fats and industrial sugar, health will find no benefit.

  5. Personally, I find vegans profoundly naive, not only about nutrition, but the financial and economic and political systems.
    Many are naive young females. I remember one in particular whose parents were facilitating her dive into an early grave.
    SHe was 15, they let her stay up on the internet past midnight most nights, when she decided to become a vegan, they relinquished all parental responsibility to ensure she ate a diet in fitting with human survival. The girl essentially ate vegan junk food (muesli bars, vegan chocolate), deep fried potato wedges, fruit toast. she didn't like vegetables or whole grains or legumes, and ate 3-4 pieces of fruit a week. I've a health professional and when I brought the parents' attention to the inadequacy of their daughter's diet, they just shrugged their shoulders and said 'we can't force feed her'. The girl was regularly having 1-2 days off school each week, due to not feeling up to it. I have heard at least 5 similar stories of adolescent females who turn vegan, and don't know what the hell they are doing.
    Considering the influence of fools like Freelee and Durian Rider on thousands of younger people, it is no wonder vegos and vegans haven't a clown's clue what a healthy balanced diet entails.
    Unfortunately, there's a lot of psychoemotional illness in advanced nations these days, and veganism attracts these people, in their quest to get better.

  6. I don't think it's fair so compare vegans/vegetarians with omnivores in general, as someone who is vegan or vegetarian is making a conscious effort to look at their diet. Most people are onmnivores by default. The omnivorous diet group should also be controlled to limit fast food and processed foods, and eat grassfed and wild meat vs factory farmed garbage, then we have a fair comparison

  7. Does the original study distinguish between ischemic (clot) strokes vs hemorrhagic (bleeding) strokes? Clots are far more common in the whole population but I wonder if bleeding is a problem for the vegetarians.

  8. I will down vote this videos. Why this absurdity of keeping people wondering? What kind of science communication is this? Seems one of those money grabbers that propose tricks to get rich with bitcoins or get a six-pack and will tell you "in just a minute" how.

  9. No need for cliff hangers. The vegan diet doesn't protect against stroke because it's not an inherently healthier diet. I know you're going to be tempted to reply to me asap … but just watch this 2 minute video 1st, it's only 2 minutes: "VeganGains & his TRASHY DIET Exposed! Who will be"

  10. Could it be that vegetarians eat proportionally more omega 6 fats? These fats could be incorporated into the cell walls of blood vessels, and, as omega 6 make less flexible cell walls than omega 3 fats do, this may lead to more strokes in vegetarians. Just a theory on the fly.

  11. You have been teasing us for four consecutive videos now. Specifically, The last two videos have been uninformative; I never heard anyone claim that vitamin D or omega 3 prevent stroke so I didn't need to hear that from you. We still have to take vitamin D for our bones, and Omega 3 to prevent dementia, so the fact that they don't help prevent stroke is no excuse to make videos. If it was, you could make hundreds of videos which don't get to the point, like "Does wearing a white shirt to work prevent stroke?".
    I liked your old videos better. Those which last 2-3 minutes and get to the bottom line. Granted, they lack the aesthetics of the new videos, but they are much more useful. Here is an example of what you should have done: a single, relatively short, video explaining that B12 deficiency is bad for the heart and arteries and can cause (among other things) stroke

  12. I like the cliffhanger videos. They make people take in extra information. Everyone demanding the answer NOW just sounds like a spoiled baby. Before the internet information like this might take a lifetime to accumulate, you can wait a week or so to find out.

  13. This much cliffhangerism makes it just utterly tiresome, I don't even care at this point. Jesus, please just release them all in a playlist or something. Waiting another week to finally get an answer to this is presposterous.

  14. I'm vegetarian my food contains fresh green vegetables and fruit. I don't consume sugar or eat sweet, I never eat PIZZA and other JUNK FOOD in my entire life. I'm taking vit D3, C, B12, Omeg 3, Multivitamins ! Tell me dr. am I Risk at stroke???

  15. All dietary studies should be taken with a grain of salt. There are so many non-dietary variables like: genetics, environment, bad-habits, exercise (or lack there of), stress etc. All of these areas need to be addressed, not just diet. For years people wanted to believe drinking wine was healthy so that all they had to do was could continue their drinking flash: people have been drinking it for thousands of years & still dying prematurely. Everyone's waiting for this miracle study that shows a diet or superfood that guarantees your optimal health. Don't hold your breath..

  16. Just because people follow a vegetarian or vegan diet doesn't mean they eat healthy at all. I generally follow WFPB, but the vegans I know eat a veganized standard American diet. full of fake meats and vegan cakes and general junk. The vegetarians I know eat even worse because dairy gives them more options for eating garbage. A large example: India has the largest amount of vegetarians in the world, but also has high levels of stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and other food and lifestyle-related illness, especially in the middle-class. I'm not Indian (by ethnicity or citizenship), but I have lived in India in the past and the obesity levels in vegetarians is intense. Even if they were not obese in the rest of their bodies, the stomachs looked like the men were smuggling watermelons, akin to the distended stomachs of people with cirrhosis. I saw plenty kids exhibiting the visible signs of childhood diabetes, and of course they had parents who look liked melted candles. Practically every older person I met was automatically assumed to have diabetes and high blood pressure, including many middle aged men and women. But they were veg, that's healthy, right?
    The dishes were made with such an insane amount of oil, whether by deep frying or adding to a dish, that it felt like I was drinking half a cup of oil with meals. The levels of salt were too high, the levels of sugar were even worse, and if something could have dairy in it, it did. If ghee was involved, lol, no way it was even possible to wash that stuff out of the plates and bowls without using 30ml of dish soap per dish. Overly sugar tea breaks with biscuits, 5 snacks per day, 5 more snacks, and a constantly crashing blood sugar level made people desperate for more food. My time in India showed me that just because people are vegetarian, it literally means nothing for promoting good health for many people because of the foods they eat. In India, beans are at most meals, healthy spices are used in large amounts, and they have a greater chance to eat healthier than most other people, except they throw it all away to deep fry it and slather it in oil and dairy, washed down with a cup of something way too sweet, followed by something way too sweet and fatty, etc. India's switch to palm oil will make things much worse in the future. Did the food taste great? Of course! But it wasn't healthy.

  17. The most common problem with vegan eating (I experience it every day with my wife's eating habits) is the constant lack of options; i.e. boring same foods. So, to stick to her belief in vegan diet, she uses same boring foods but fries them for variety. Then, she is not satisfied and still hungry, so she feels justified to eat sweets, junk foods etc. as long as they haven't had parents… If one can truly stick to vegan, boring eating, no omegas are needed to prevent strokes… The best example of that are isolated tribes that have no choice but eat the same boring foods 3 times a day, if they are lucky enough to find them in abundance…

  18. I saw a video recently in which vegan doctor Kim A Williams clearly stated that a JUNK FOOD PLANT-BASED DIET is worse than eating meat.
    So if you think you are not hurting animals by eating vegan donuts and vegan cupcakes and fake meat, wrong, you are hurting yourself.

  19. The amount of spoiled people here surprises me. If you go to and type 'stroke' you are going to be blessed with dozens of videos on the topic with hundreds of summarized studies put into simple terms and language and a nice narrative so that everyone can understand. The time it takes to complain about cliffhangers is the time that you could take to be more proactive and go after the research yourself. Plus, people ask so many questions for answers that were already answered years ago by Dr. Michael Greger and other plant-based doctors. Stop complaining, start helping!

  20. I like seeing your face in videos. It makes it more engaging for me. And thank you for all you do! I would never have the time to find all the great info you provide. ❤

  21. I'm an Australian, and while this is certainly not indicative of all Aussies, I went vegan to begin with for ethical reasons. I've been vegan for 9 years now and the last 3 have seen me clean up my vegan act— I'm now eating wfpb foods.. Still vegan for the animals, but also for my health.

    As a vegan, you can have your vegan walnut cake and eat it, too!

  22. Well, you can skip the fish and take an algae supplement for your Omega 3's…..They do say that the omegas consumed by fish are the actual algae, so skip the middle man (fish) and what happens then? I did find a great Vegan supplement watching Mic the Vegan…

  23. The scientific method requires first a thesis and then evidence, but we get hardly either.– mucho drama and confusion, taking the long way around the barn. By the time you get to the point, we have forgotten what you are trying to teach us. Please cut the suspense and drama and tell us in simple language. A summary of the conclusions would go a long way to a better understanding. I teach at the university, and if I took the long way around the barn, students would not come to my classes.

  24. Vitamin D! Well if Vitamin D was suspected as a risk factor for strokes it must have been a factor in the first place. Not good. Vitamin D is responsible for regulating hundreds of genes. Vitamin D deficiencies are a very big deal whether they're stroke related or not.

  25. Are you kidding me?! Potatoes in the same category as unhealthy, refined plant based foods (e.g. cake)?
    Potatoes does not equal fried potatoes.

  26. Why can't vegans recognize how unhealthy they are? Look at Greger's face and body! He has those telltale vegan deep dark circles under his eyes, caved in face, skinny fat body, etc… Open your eyes people!

  27. how about arachidonic acid? it's only from animal source and it's quite essential, i have no answer when meat eaters bring this up so if anyone can help?

  28. Fish oil is snake oil. PUFAs are the worst fats to be eating period. They suppress the oxidation of glucose by inhibiting pyruvate dehydrogenase and drive up estrogen and cortisol synthesis, they also block thyroid hormone transport proteins. Seriously, if you're going to eat fat, you're better off eating saturated fats. But it's best to keep fats on the low side to prevent translocation of endotoxins into the blood, which causes inflammation. Stroke and heart attacks are caused by inadequate thyroid, we've known this since the 30s. I highly recommend reading Broda Barnes's book Solved: The Riddle of Heart Attacks. In 2,000 patients over a 20 year period he was able to prevent artery disease by 94% and diabetes by 100%. He purposefully didn't control people's diet, cholesterol, or smoking. Medical industry buried his work because it wasn't as profitable as the lipid hypothesis. Heart disease is a cash cow for Big Pharma.

  29. There is nothing wrong with plain potatoes with nothing bad added. It is so annoying when Dr. Greger says that they are bad. They are just as nutritious as sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes have more beta carotene and Vitamin E per calorie, but potatoes have more potassium, iron, and zinc per calorie. Everything else is about the same. Greger should be ashamed of himself. It is a lie that potatoes have no nutrition or that sweet potatoes are better. They are equally good.

  30. Even if you're an ethical vegan you need to take care of your health. Because if you become unhealthy you send a strong message to people that being vegan is at the expense of your own health, thus keeping people from becoming vegan, thus keeping the demand up for animal flesh, thus keeping murder factories in business.

  31. The chain of videos on Vegetarians and Stroke Risk without conclusion is a stroke risk in itself. Just give us the answer already in ONE video without the 'mystery'.

  32. My new theory is that lower B12 and folic acid in vegans is raising homocysteine levels in the blood which is causing inflammation in the vessel walls leading to clots.

  33. I would like to hear your (Dr. Greger) take on DHA/EPA as they correlate with age-related dementia; and also as they correlate to risk of prostate cancer. I know you have recommended ALA sources of Omega 3 (nuts, seeds) but the difference between these and longer chain Omega 3's leaves me wondering.

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