Zenzero per l'artrosi

Un quarto e mezzo cucchiaino al giorno di zenzero in polvere può alleviare il dolore quanto l'ibuprofene, senza il rischio di danni all'intestino rivestimento.

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Quali altri interventi dietetici possono aiutare con l'artrite? Dai un'occhiata, ad esempio:
• Semi di sesamo per l'artrosi del ginocchio (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/sesame-seeds-for-knee- osteoartrite)
• Perché le diete a base vegetale aiutano l'artrite reumatoide? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-do-plant-based-diets-help-rhumatoid-arthritis)<br/> • Trattamento per la gotta con una ciliegina sulla torta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/gout-treatment-with-a-cherry-on -top)
• Curcumina Curcumina e Osteoartrite (http://nutritionfacts.org/video /curcumina-curcumina-e-artrosi)
• Curcumina-curcuma e artrite reumatoide (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/turmeric-curcumin-and-rhumatoid-arthritis)
• La molecola infiammatoria della carne Neu5Gc (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-infiammatori-meat-molecule-neu5gc)

Cos'altro può fare lo zenzero? Dai un'occhiata!
• Ridurre i danni da radiazioni con zenzero e melissa (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing -danni-da-radiazioni-con-zenzero-e-balsamo-di-limone/)
• Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-spices-fight-inflammation/)
• Ginger for Migraines (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ginger-for-migraines/)
• Trattamenti naturali per la nausea mattutina (http://nutritionfacts.org/ argomenti/trattamenti-naturali per la malattia mattutina)
• Zenzero per nausea, crampi mestruali e sindrome dell'intestino irritabile (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ginger-for-nausea-menstrual-cramps-and-irritable-bowel-syndrome)

Se l'effetto placebo è davvero così potente, i medici dovrebbero prescriverlo? Lo fanno già! Dai un'occhiata se ne hai il coraggio 🙂 La bugia che guarisce: i medici dovrebbero somministrare placebo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-lie-that-heals-should-doctors-give-placebos/) .

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38 Risposte a “Zenzero per l'artrosi”

  1. This is unrelated so I apologize, however I've had a vasectomy in March this year. Recovered "alright" but started having very bad pain about 2 months ago. I have started a strict starch based diet as of 2 days ago, I had been vegan for 2 years before reaching for sugary, fatty, and salty junk foods for about 3 months (somewhat due to the pain & the numbing affects of food)
    I've been told a vasectomy reversal will alleviate the PVPS (post vasectomy pain syndrome) BUT I've also read the book "Vasectomy: The cruelest cut of all" – Brad Bowins whom says that no surgery should ever be done on that area of the body because it's the most delicate to damage due to all the nerves bundled in such a small place.

    So, do I live with the pain? Hope that a more WFPBD will alleviate the inflammation? Get a reversal and risk having more damage OR 90% relief from the pain?

    I'd really love to hear your opinion on this!

    I've contacted many urologists who never heard of or read the book (even though it's only 100 pages) & all said this is normal and will go away, however they forget that I tell them that the pain wasn't there until 6 months AFTER surgery.

  2. "you can take a second drug to counter the effects of the first drug" …… sounds like a recipe for disaster and is exactly what is happening to millions of people.

  3. Danke für die Übersetzungen! Zu solch speziellen Themen gibts immer wieder Vokabeln auf englisch die ich nicht kenne.

  4. Instead of Dramamine for seasickness, some people swear on using umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum) in their navel held in place with a band-aid. I guess the ginger in there might also actually work. I won't put them on my nuts but maybe on my knees.

  5. will you please tell me here why I am deathly allergic to ginger I taste it into my mouth my mouth fills  till I spew with saliva nd the rest in my body is worse what am I lacking in my body or what is wrong with my body for this to happen

  6. I control my chronic pain with kratom and akuamma seeds.
    I've yet to find a better treatment. Haven't had a cold or the flu since either.

  7. Why powder? Slice whole fresh ginger, steep in boiling water, drink it. DELICIOUS – actually tastes vaguely alcoholic when the ginger is strong.

  8. To prevent the participants in the ginger powder study from knowing which group they were in, they could have told the control subjects (the ones that got potato powder) that the ginger scent had been removed so they couldn't tell, and then told the test group that the placebo had been artificially scented like ginger so they couldn't tell… I think that would work lol

  9. After a bad bout with Leukemia, 11 days in hospital and a half dose chemo, I stopped using the prescribed pain and nausea pills due to hallucinations and started with fresh juiced ginger + apple in water. I drank it day and night as needed and it worked perfect without all the side effects.

  10. This is exactly why I haven’t taken drugs for the pain caused by the osteoarthritis. I have a weird stomach in the first place. After watching this video, i might just try ginger.

  11. Well we tested external ginger on my wife’s arthritic knee and it worked for her. My wife has had an arthritic knee with lots of swelling and pain for years. The prescribed meds didn’t do much if anything but they did have nasty side effects so she couldn’t take them. Then we tried a non prescription product called MioMed and it gave a little relief. Then we changed diet and that helped some also but she still pretty much had constant nagging pain sometimes better sometimes worse than other times. But then we recently heard about external ginger poultice for inflammatory joint pain so we tried that and it worked pretty much immediately and gave much relief. So we did the ginger poultice on the knee for maybe 4 times the first week for about 3 hours a time in the evenings and then off a few days. The second week we did it and after two treatments she was completely pain free and that lasted for 5-6 days. Now the last time we applied ginger poultice for two consecutive evenings and the pain went away again and she has been pain free for going on two weeks. So we just plan to monitor and if she begins to feel discomfort we will apply the poultice again. Right now we are still testing and evaluating how long the pain remains gone. It’s really quite amazing.

  12. Am here to Thank DR Jazaza on YouTube, I was suffering from arthritis virus since 9years now, I suffered until I meant DR jazaza on YouTube who got rid on my arthritis virus within 2weeks

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