Gli avocado fanno bene al colesterolo?

Il guacamole può abbassare il colesterolo così come altre fonti di grassi alimentari integrali come le noci, o è solo una svolta dell'industria dell'avocado.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Che ne dici di aggiungere l'avocado a una dieta a base vegetale? Ci sarebbe qualche vantaggio allora? Questo è l'argomento del mio prossimo video, Avocados Lower Small Dense LDL Cholesterol (

Perché ci preoccupiamo per il colesterolo? Vedi, ad esempio, i cristalli di colesterolo possono lacerare il rivestimento delle nostre arterie ( fodera/).<br/>
A cosa dovremmo mirare? Vedi Livello ottimale di colesterolo (

Oltre ad aggiungere alimenti che abbassano il colesterolo, dobbiamo prima ridurre l'assunzione di alimenti che aumentano il colesterolo. Vedi grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione massima tollerabile pari a zero -tolerable-upper-intake-of-zero/).

Per ulteriori informazioni sugli effetti sulla salute del guacamole, dai un'occhiata Gli effetti degli avocado e del vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti ( Infiammazione indotta dal vino durante il pasto) e gli avocado sono salutari? (

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66 Risposte a “Gli avocado fanno bene al colesterolo?”

  1. I am a medical student and I am just now learning about medical research and evidence based medicine. Thank you Dr. Gregor for providing us with evidence based nutrition 🙂

  2. So effectively avos are just fruit-sourced omega 6 gluttony… huh.
    Think ill stick to nuts and give the Central Americans their domestic industry back…

  3. Would that then mean if you are on a vegan (plant based) diet and do not consume any avocados 🥑 then you should stay away from them as your cholesterol will increase? I’m wondering as I am Vegan but do not consume avocados (maybe through being lazy) but was thinking about incorporating it in to my diet….

  4. This video doesn't prove that avocados are detrimental to your health, just that studies are biased.
    Cronometer: Pitted 96 gram Avacado: Great source of B vitamins, Copper, Vitamin K & folate. If you're eating a whole food plant based diet, why worry?

  5. So basically, title says are avacados good for cholesterol? And the answer is: we don't know. You reviewed a study that is completely inefficient to find the answer.

  6. Im a very active vegan with a high metabolism and I love avacados. They are a really easy source of calories, something I struggle with as I eat 95% whole plant foods. I wouldnt consider them a superfood like blueberries or kale. Still healthy calories, I would rather eat avacado than wheat products like the doctor suggests because they have an acidic effect of the body.

  7. Glad i just ate my last avocado coming in at staggering 2.2$ / each non organic avocado.

    Sticking to the Flax + Chia + some Macadamias now and then + my DHA algae pills from now on!

  8. Wow. Thanks for looking into the actual design of the study… which is why it's so important to read the actual study itself, instead of just jumping to its conclusions. I love avocados, but bc of their fat content, limit myself to one ounce (about a quarter of an avocado) with a salad, the better to absorb all the oil soluble vitamins and antioxidants, on days I'm not topping my salads with nuts or seeds.

  9. Would love to see the phytosterol comparison to nuts and seeds on a per calorie basis rather than a per weight basis. Avocados are about 70% water by weight and nuts and seeds are close to 0% water so of course the phytosterol content will be higher in nuts and seeds by weight. Per calorie would be much closer I'd guess.

  10. Every time this kind of video is published, I'm amazed by the legion of selfless cholesterol evangelists who relentlessly comment their words of wisdom to bring us stray sheep back onto the righteous path.

    Melts my heart, like a big chunk of fat butter!

  11. I think the moral of the story here is, no, avocadoes won't drop one's cholesterol,but that doesn't mean it's unhealthy. It contains decent shape amounts of fibre and is a good source of E, K, folate, B vitamins and has some trace minerals in it.

  12. I still will eat 1 or 2 avocados max per week, so long as they are stocked well in the store. (: But as always, I appreciate this info!

  13. Everything that out creator God(Allah) provides us are healthy but in moderation. Plants, fruits and animals, way them all in moderation and you will be fine.
    Eat less and try to fast 2x a week. I do all of these and I feel good AL.

  14. Don't you ever just want to eat something comforting? Who the heck wants to live a miserable life bereft of gastronomic treats? Especially for seemingly ever?
    Eat plants and fungi, eat lots of variety and colors. Have fun and enjoy the fruits of your labor. What else is there, money? Ha!

  15. People appear to be misunderstanding this video. I didn't see anything in the video that said avocados are bad for us. It merely says that they do not lower cholesterol. So make your food choices accordingly. The video did not provide any information that suggests that you should not eat them.

  16. Hey Dr. Greger, can you make some videos about stomach ulcers? I really need some information about this since I feel huge pain every day.

  17. Avocados are higher in potassium than bananas. Bananas are around 70 mg, Florida avocados are around 500 mg and California avocados are around 700 mg. I'll have to get my reference book out if you need exact figures. Also, avocadoes are high in fat. Ripe bananas are not high in fat but have more natural sugar than not as ripe bananas. If you sweat a lot due to your body trying to fight off infection, avocados are needed for potassium!

  18. If I had a nickel for every time dr Gregor stated a premise, and then later went against his own advice, I would have more money then early BitCoin investors!

  19. I can no longer get hass avocados where I live, all we have are those little crappy ones from Mexico, so I stop eating them due to lack of availability.

  20. What can we say to the people that criticism vegans for not stopping the pesticide herbicide and fungicide so on and so fourth . One thing i hear is that it is devastating the top soil having to spray non organic crops with toxic chemicals that will destroy the habitat for the future .

  21. Yes, yes, but guacamole made with chocolate and sesame seeds sucks! Let's eat avocados because they are a tasty plant food, and a good source of necessary fats? TFP!

  22. Do olives have the same effect as avocados given that they are both full of MUFAs (mainly oleic acid)? I think of olives as miniature avocados.

  23. Another great video. My previously high LDL is no more thanks to Dr. Greger's message. Also, I have no more migraines (dulse flakes helped, also, Dr. Greger talks about benefits of seaweed also), acne, facial puffiness, leg pain, back of neck pain, sciatica, varicose veins (I wish I'd taken before and after pics), constipation, sallow skin color. I just purchased his cookbook and follow Chef AJ's cooking videos also. If you haven't tried vegan try SOS free diet like Dr. Greger's, Chef AJ's, Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. McDoogle, Dr. Klaper, Dr. Campbell, Dr. Esselstyn, etc., just try it for a week or two and you may be surprised how great you feel. And your mood will be the greatest ever!

  24. Actually the questions we should be asking is does ldl cholesterol raise your avocado blood levels. If you take into consideration the fact that on lard off lard on lard off lard 28%on lard left butt cheek being 48% percent of the weight control.

  25. Weird that you site substitute studies then diss them. So why not find added studies and only use those? Is your point that there are none? Then why make this useless video?

  26. I'm sure this information is valid, but I just couldn't go on listening to that petulant voice. Geez. He sounds like an old pompous royal lady babbling between to sips of tea.

  27. Compared to what ? For me at least nuts are not a close substitute for avocado ( I often enjoy avocado toast) ….😛

  28. It is relevant since 97% of Americans eat animal fats, eat butter, cheese, and the rest. They don’t make these studies for us vegans, they make them for the population at large. It is relevant to us as well since I’m sure most of us have relatives and friends who aren’t vegan.

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